Cat Avatars Everywhere!

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As I was breezing thru the board today I caught on that there are many cats in the avatars. Is there some sort of cat contest going on :)








Scroll down to the "Sat Cats Thread" and meet the kitties :)

Oh that thread is funny. Didn't see it earlier.

I had an orange cat for 18 years, then the allergist told me cats were my biggest problem and to get rid of him.
I didn't, he lived on to be 20 before he left me. I miss him now.
But no more cats for me.
I have a Cocker Spaniel now.
As I was breezing thru the board today I caught on that there are many cats in the avatars. Is there some sort of cat contest going on :)

No contest...


It sure looks like there is a bunch of pussies on Satellite Guys! :p

***I will try to get photos up of my cats soon! ;)
Oh that thread is funny. Didn't see it earlier.

I had an orange cat for 18 years, then the allergist told me cats were my biggest problem and to get rid of him.
I didn't, he lived on to be 20 before he left me. I miss him now.
But no more cats for me.
I have a Cocker Spaniel now.

Wow! 20 years. I had "Trampie Cat" that jumped into my car window when I saw her wandering along a road very far from any houses. Had her for 18-1/2 years.
From your pool picture that is a real sharp doggie.

Pixl , you're right, we've been taken in by these furry creatures. It was once believed they were demons in disguise, or a witch who took animal form while going to a sabbat, to evade capture. I gave our cat a bath today, weird cat that actually likes water, lol. Sorry, it took both hands for that, so there was no possibilities of a picture. I think I'll shake up everybody and change my avatar though, it has been on there awhile, and it's not even the house cat-just a stray that decided to hang around here.
I like this one too:


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I am not a cat person because I am allergic but we do have two that live in the barn and take care of rodents etc. They are the friendliest cats I know of. Puss and Boots are their names, they are sisters that were part of a litter from an abandoned mother. We live in the country just outside of town and seem to get a lot of "strays" here because of people's lack of common sense when it comes to spaying and neutering. Both of ours are spayed. We also have two dogs, a St.Bernard and a border collie/lab mix, two rabbits and two horses. All of which get along very well. Our St. is only 6 months old but has a lot of respect for the cats and they do play well together.

Here they are when they were "new". They still look the same only larger now. DSCF2435.JPG
And here's something that I found amusing.
mans best friend.jpeg
My Cats

Years ago, we had a black lab and a siamese. Abby and Mai Ling. They were Buddies. Both just knew when it was the week to spend at the lake. They'd just pack themselves up, find a comfy snooze spot in the van, while we packed it to go. They'd wake when we got there and while we were unpacking and moving into the cabin, would go down to the end of the dock. Sit a few minutes to look around, Then walk back to the shore then into the lake for a swim. Yeah, the dog and the cat. would take a swim. The other resort guests couldn't believe what they saw until it was explained to them that "Ling loved water to no end. They took another swim a couple of days later and many were snapping photos. Regularly, Mai Ling would follow me into the shower and brush against my legs until I gave here a shampoo. That turned on the pur for sure. After the shampoo, and a rub down with her towel she'd run through the house to my bed, jump up and wait for me to wrap her in her towel, and give her another little rub. Then it was a little nap, still wrapped up like a papoose, accompanied by a satisfied pur. Sister came for a visit once, and before retiring for the night, went for a bath. Didn't think nothin' of it until we heard a scream. A Very LOUD scream. ran to the bathroom door and asked,"what's wrong?" The answer made us laugh. "THERE"S A CAT IN THE TUB WITH ME" Of course, the cat being startled by the scream, exited the bathroom in haste when the door was opened. Ran right to my bed. Looking back at us with a puzzled look on it's face, like "what was that about?" Yeah, 'Ling liked baths too. Not too suprising since she liked to take an occasional shower and swim.
Then it was a mother and daughter. Nicky and Tasha. Part Siamese, but true American mixed breeds. Another story altogether. Niky was independent but would nap on your lap occasionally while watching TV. Both were very much people friendly, but Tasha was the lover.
My sister exclaimed, "OMG, you don't even have to call them and they come to you, all you do is whistle." Yep, that's right. Nephew experienced once when I scolded Tasha for being a little over mischievous, and said" She's more like a dog, she listens." I said,"she knows I'm the boss." Yeah, I told Tasha to "jump in that chair and lay down" She jumped up into the chair and laid down, and gave us the "I'm sorry" look.. She knew when she messed up, she'd usually hide for a while, even if we didn't notice first. She knew wink. And one that would surprise the vets assistants. She'd give the them a good big lick on the nose or finger If I asked Tasha to give 'em a kiss. She'd be at my side many times when I went to bed and pur so hard she'd get hiccups. Look at me with crossed eyes, like "what's this?" If I were to sleep in, but she thought I should be getting up. she'd first pur, then meow into my ear, first softly, then louder. Then paw and lick my nose. I once ignored her pleas, and she resorted to climbing up on the headboard. I wondered what for, but only for a second, as she body slammed my pillow. Bounced off to land watching to see if I woke. I was awake now but fained sleeping to see what else she would do. Up the headboard again for a second body slam. I broke down and laughed. She sat a foot away and meowed in a way that could only be translated into "well it's bout time you got up, I'm hungry" I filled her dish, and all was well. When my sister sent me a link to Simon's Cat, I said to myself, that's Tasha, ,
Now the current resident, Puppi. Still collecting stories on this one.
Pixl , you're right, we've been taken in by these furry creatures. It was once believed they were demons in disguise, or a witch who took animal form while going to a sabbat, to evade capture. I gave our cat a bath today, weird cat that actually likes water, lol. Sorry, it took both hands for that, so there was no possibilities of a picture. I think I'll shake up everybody and change my avatar though, it has been on there awhile, and it's not even the house cat-just a stray that decided to hang around here.
I like this one too:
That must be what they call a tortise shell calico? ;)
I dunno, the new avatar kinda bugs me
Fat Air,
What a great story about your cats and the doggie. It shows so many that think cats can not learn anything. They are very smart. So smart, like RT, he just thinks "why should I open the cat door. I'll just yell at him and he will open the door for me." He has me well trained.
Wow! A cat that would go in the water with you.

RT. < the cat
TL. < me
Here's some pics of the furrier members of the family.

The first one is Kyla. She usually has this odd "What the heck do you want??" look on her face most of the time. Second one is Sophie. He's male due to my mother and sister not knowing any better. He takes any abuse received with immediate purring. The third one is Jenny. She passed away a few years ago due to heart disease. Just happened that she was looking at the angle she was and the flash sent her eyes glowing.

Yes nice varmints, part Maine coon, it appears. They probably like water like our old (young) cat does, I swear that cat would sleep in the bathtub if we let her.
That's my favorite of pic of Kyla there.

Yep, Sophie is at least half coon. My mother has his half sister. He's not too keen on water. With is fur being as long as it is he sometimes needs baths to clean his butt off as trimming the fur doesn't always work. Like most things he puts up with it.
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