Can't find tp Freq 11842

My statement above should have referrenced Glorystar/G19 instead of Glorystar/SES1. sorry.

Re: Lak7's questions.

As I have stated, with the new Geosat 200c, it autoloaded the programing for G19 with unacceptable resuslts. By moving the dish back to the AMC4, I can get a signal strength of 75 and sq of 65 with only a course setting of the dish. However, I can't see anything there because the channel navigation goes through G19 settings. I can't reprogram the receiver because I don't have a password. If one was provided in the documentation, I can't find it.

The new lnbf mounted in a single lnbf holder on my 2 yr. old GeoSat Pro AzureShine dish is connected by a new RG6 short cable (supplied by Glorystar) to the new 200c receiver. Tech support told me to take off the dual lnbf bracket.

I have become very critical of my dish's integrity and with a string test, I can now easily bend it into exact alignment. We had a constantly changing sq of around 40 on only a very few channels on Friday evening. Without touching the dish, today, upon turning on, we had nothing. I repositioned and was able to get sl of about 76 and sq of around 50 on some channels. These were on tp 12177, 12116. I could get nothing on 11842.

I tried to List the entries from the G19 Setup Menu. With the left arrow key on the remote, I can get a menu to select the satellite. I choose SES1 and press 'OK' but the receiver stays on the G19 channels. I can't get into any setup menues because I don't have a password.

I am still in need of help.

I and many of my friends within 30 miles or so of N32.54/W82.91 want to see 3ABN, LLBN, and Hope Channel (as well as all other associated channels). Most if not all have moved to G19. In my search today, I was able to get 6 or 7 channels, but most on 12177/12116 with much programming that is of no interest to us.

We just want to see the above mentioned channels, preferrably on one satellite.
I am with you, Pepper. It seems to me if you have the dish/lnbf looking at one satellite, you should be able to address any tp on that satellite. But, by reading other posts, and my own observation here, it looks like you have to move your dish to see specific tps on G19. And when you can see some of them, you can't see others.
I am with you, Pepper. It seems to me if you have the dish/lnbf looking at one satellite, you should be able to address any tp on that satellite. But, by reading other posts, and my own observation here, it looks like you have to move your dish to see specific tps on G19. And when you can see some of them, you can't see others.

It is a balance between the Galazy19 transponders. You will be able to have 50% Signal Quality with GEOSATpro DVR1100c/DSR100c/200c receivers and a 90cm GEOSATpro 90cm dish with dual or single LNBFs anywhere in the continental US. You may have to bump the dish to peak different transponders, but if you wish to receive all transponders on G19, they will need to be averaged, not peaked. Don't try and peak the Signal Quality on a specific transponder or you will drop others. This is just the fact on Galaxy19 with several of the transponders.

Galaxy 19 aiming procedure: Find the satellite using TBN channel 101 with 50% Signal Quality. Verify Cornerstone channel 113 is 50% Signal Quality then perform a OTA update to add the new transponders and channels. Once the OTA update is complete, verify that 3ABN channel 106 is at least 50% Signal Quality.
I have become very critical of my dish's integrity and with a string test, I can now easily bend it into exact alignment. We had a constantly changing sq of around 40 on only a very few channels on Friday evening. Without touching the dish, today, upon turning on, we had nothing. I repositioned and was able to get sl of about 76 and sq of around 50 on some channels. These were on tp 12177, 12116. I could get nothing on 11842.

I tried to List the entries from the G19 Setup Menu. With the left arrow key on the remote, I can get a menu to select the satellite. I choose SES1 and press 'OK' but the receiver stays on the G19 channels. I can't get into any setup menues because I don't have a password.

12116 is not preprogrammed into the receiver, so this indicates that someone has been in the menus and may have changed some critical settings. Perform a factory default to reset back to the original settings.

Verify that you are receiving TBN on Channel 101 with Signal Quality of at least 50%. Next verify Cornerstone channel 113 with at least 50% Signal Quality then perform an OTA update. Don't attempt to peak the Quality on each channel, only verify Signal Quality reading is at or above 50%. Once the update is complete, check 3ABN channel 106. Signal Quality should be 50% or higher, but do not attempt to peak.

We would not suggest that you go into the menus and adjust settings unless you understand how various setting will affect your system operation.
Quote from pwrsurge: Any update on realigning the off-azimuth transponders on Galaxy 19? Is this an uplink or a satellite issue?

Excellent question that I think Glorystar/SES1 people should answer.

This transponder anomaly was noted during initial transponder testing several months ago and documented in another thread by many helpful SatelliteGuys members. The channels were aware of the issue and opted to accept the transponder assignment. This issue hasn't prevented successful installations, but is a challenge..... The key is not to peak each transponder, but rather to balance for the various transponders.
I had no trouble with g25/g19 in Macon, Perry and Montzuma GA, a while back, but that was before the Adventist addition of the transponder. I will also add my answer that the dish IS warped! (Experience speaks.)

If you dish does not have the side arms, then you MUST be very (EXTREMELY) careful with the handling. Also without the side arms, the LNBF support arm MAY be out of alignment. 3ABN dishes I have seen do not have the support arms and may have had the arm bent out of position. It CAN be corrected, but does take time to CAREFULLY work at it.

Check to se it is aligned left to right first! IF IT IS ALIGNED LEFT TO RIGHT, IT IS PROBABLY NOT THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!

If it is off, then get that taken care of then carefully check by loosening the dish mount bolts so you can move the dish up and down very slightly ( yes it takes the dish off elevation aoim, but lines the sweet spot up with the LNBF. If you see improvement then you probably have found the problem. From there you have to have patience to finish the adjustment. It might take more than 5 hours to correct an arm that was bumped by a rider on a lawn mower!

POP, you have given bad news. Any of the things you describe are possible. Thank you still. Of the five dishes we are responsible for, 2 of them were assembled new out of the box, installed and left alont. The others have been knocked around and re-installed. The one I am dealing with here was first assembled with the elevation bracket upside down and set up looking through pecan trees by a 'professional'. They all have worked well on AMC4. G19 is a different bird.

Right now, I have 11842 channels with around 50 on quality. The video is not very good and the audio is scratchy.

The real nitty gritty in my view. This dish when alligned accurately and aimed EXACTLY at G19 is good. I didn't pay for a stable and smoothly micro adjustable mount. This dish could have been bumped and may be plagued with the issues you describe above.

I ordered a new dish (assumed to have the side braces you describe) The last one that came from Glorystar has them. It should be here soon. You know I will painstakingly assemble this new dish and make sure the surfaces involved in maintaining elevation while adjusting azimuthc etc. are the best possible. I will use a single lnbf and position for 11842 only.

Thank you to Glorystar1 and all who have contributed to this experience. I will keep you posted.
I did not mean that to be bad news. Heavy handling or extreme (Huricance force) winds can move things around. Without the side braces you would then have a solid disadvantage! With them, probably not even a real problem. .... And if I sound a little like a "know it all" I do not mean to, but I have carried the Glorystar dish in the motor homes and set it up over 100 times. I did change to a primstar dish in the motorhome because I did want a sturdier mount to carry and I needed to install a dual sat dish in South Everett.

But running into the arm while riding a lawn tractor ---

You can usually work the dish out of a warp but if it is bent it may be harder. If you are in the pecan trees, you will probably have to find a new location. Trying to move 4° on the post is hard to visuallize, but if I remember right, in GA the LNBF is displaced about 4 to 5 inches to the west for G19 from AMC4 --- as you rotate the bracket! DO NOT PUSH /PULL ON THE ARM unless you have the side braces and even then do it CAREFULLY.

By the way, the winds here can even bend the mounting base for a Primestar dish!

Have fun! POP
Oh no. I appreciate your 'news'

Not a problem, POP. Thank you. You just told me what I need to know. I don't think this dish has ever been ran into by a lawnmower. The upside down bracket and looking through the trees was done by the so called professional who set this dish up the first time.

I have found an extremely small sweet spot that gvies me 50-60 quality. I now have the channels I want, but the slightest nudge to the dish looses it all.

Per my last post, I plan to CAREFULLY assemble and aim the new dish. Since Glorystar couldn't get to my dish order for a week, I figure they are busy as a one-armed paper hanger now with so many dishes out of kilter like mine.

The two dishes I assembled out of the box haven't been touched since set up. I am hoping that after I get this one sorted out, I will attempt those and by knowing what to expect and the dishes not being molested, the result will be much faster.

I have a quadropalegic friend from NY who now lives in WV after working at Kettering. He sometimes travels in a motorhome and has in the past set up a dish while traveling. AMC4 would be a much easier than what I am dealing with here.

Thanks agin
Hi folks. A follow-up.

My old dish is locked in on 11842. I am not touching it.

We tried today to change the newest dish we now have to G19. I assembled this dish out of the box when it was new. It has side braces and has been on a post up out of the way and has not been touched since installation. It is true. It received SES1 fine. We did the specified move and found a signal at the expected place 97W. We got 85 signal level and 60 quality on channel 101 TBN, nothing on any other channel. We moved the dish slightly and got 113 Cornerstone with similar signal qualtiy, but not both at the same time.

This is the fourth system we have attempted with similar results. Tech support said get 50 or higher on both and call back if you need to.

So frustrating.

I will read any input anyone has.

No explaination...... Just a report.

In Atlanta, GA this week for the Adventist GC and pulled a 65% SQ yesterday on 11842 with a two LNBF Glorystar system with all other channels above 50% on both satellites.
Thanks, rv1pop and Glorystar1.

We exchanged the dual lnb for a single known good lnb. The skew and telescoping of the lnb made minimal difference.

I am headed to GC as soon as I am finished here.

I remember the day when we could do as you describe. That meaning carefully and slowly moving the dish and fine tuning it to get the desired frequencies. That is what we did back in the AMC4 days. It just doesn't happen with our dishes (4) here on G19.

Thanks, I'll try again next week.
It is a balance between the Galazy19 transponders. You will be able to have 50% Signal Quality with GEOSATpro DVR1100c/DSR100c/200c receivers and a 90cm GEOSATpro 90cm dish with dual or single LNBFs anywhere in the continental US. You may have to bump the dish to peak different transponders, but if you wish to receive all transponders on G19, they will need to be averaged, not peaked. Don't try and peak the Signal Quality on a specific transponder or you will drop others. This is just the fact on Galaxy19 with several of the transponders.

Galaxy 19 aiming procedure: Find the satellite using TBN channel 101 with 50% Signal Quality. Verify Cornerstone channel 113 is 50% Signal Quality then perform a OTA update to add the new transponders and channels. Once the OTA update is complete, verify that 3ABN channel 106 is at least 50% Signal Quality.

I have a theory on why the 11842 transponder on Galaxy 19 appears to be off azimuth when compared to other transponders on this satellite. Interference from Galaxy 3C located at 95 degrees W might be causing this issue as there is a Direct TV transponder on G3C at on frequency 11840 using Horizontal polarity. As you know, 11840 and 11842 is pretty much the same frequency so having these two similar transponders on satellites spaced only 2 degrees apart might be the cause of these issues. G3C is quite a strong satellite so it could very well be bleeding over Galaxy 19's signal, especially since both TP's are using Horizontal polarity.

If this is the case then I hope that there's another transponder available on G19 to switch the 11842 programming on. If not, then you might want to consider moving back to SES 1 once it's fully deployed.
Adjacent satellite interference is the exact problem, but it is unlikely that any change will occur on the G19 -11842 transponder due to the number of viewers that have been reaimed and reprogrammed. Unlikely that any of the relocated services would return to 101w due to the contained footprint of SES1.

The satellite operators have had discussions regarding the interference without resolution. We expect that this is the way that it will remain.
Adjacent satellite interference is the exact problem, but it is unlikely that any change will occur on the G19 -11842 transponder due to the number of viewers that have been reaimed and reprogrammed. Unlikely that any of the relocated services would return to 101w due to the contained footprint of SES1.

The satellite operators have had discussions regarding the interference without resolution. We expect that this is the way that it will remain.

What a sorry state this is! All the extra money some have put out buying a new dish or whatever to try to correct this issue, and finally the truth has come out.

I am so glad I have never spent any money on Glory Star items. All my equipment has been purchased over this years from other places. So glad I have been able to get the change corrected without having to put out any extra funds.

It does seem like the experts at Glory Star would have realized this could be an issue. We all make mistakes, but this seems like a big one. The Adventist channels have a right to be upset over this, but I'm sure they are not.

Just my opinion, which doesn't mean a whole lot.
What a sorry state this is! All the extra money some have put out buying a new dish or whatever to try to correct this issue, and finally the truth has come out.

I am so glad I have never spent any money on Glory Star items. All my equipment has been purchased over this years from other places. So glad I have been able to get the change corrected without having to put out any extra funds.

It does seem like the experts at Glory Star would have realized this could be an issue. We all make mistakes, but this seems like a big one. The Adventist channels have a right to be upset over this, but I'm sure they are not.

Just my opinion, which doesn't mean a whole lot.
FYI the 11842 TP was chosen by one of the Adventist broadcasters - Not Glory Star. They did not take enough time testing before the final decision.:rolleyes:

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