cannot find a Sat C kit for a KTI phase II dish ?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 23, 2003
Elk Grove ,IL
I own a KTI D* dish I want the Sat C kit for it, but have been unable to find anyone who carries
KTI dishes? have they been bought out or merged or went out of Business?

anyway I believe the dish to be a phase II dish it has the built in switch ( in the Y connecter)Marked Aspen Eagle Model number S 50404-CE and the two LNB's that I have on it now are marked as California Amplifier Pin # 1505174 lot # 02193

can I buy a Sat C kit and just use the single LNB that comes with the kit ? any help would be appreciated I've been googling the Internet for the Past two days and finding nothing???
Maybe you should try a local satellite dealer, that is where they make their living. KTI has been bought out by California Amplifier and any sat "C" kit should work.
boba said:
Maybe you should try a local satellite dealer, that is where they make their living. KTI has been bought out by California Amplifier and any sat "C" kit should work.

Sorry,shopping threw a local Dealer is not an option and will not work in my case this would only cost me more cash
Get a 3lnb dish upgrade from Directv. That would be your cheapest alternative me thinks.
Just call D* and tell them you need a Sat C kit for HD, as you already have a Phase II dish. (you'll probably will at least be subbed to HBO &/or Showtime, since they each have an HD feed) D* will ship you one for only $8 S&H, but they will require you to go on a 1 year contract. I got mine like this, since it was a lot less than I could buy them for as a dealer.
Maybe they have it at...........
Thank you to all who responded . and sorry for the delay in responding but work got in the way! Maybe I should have better phrased my question I seemed to recall when I installed the dish that my switch was a 5 to 4 switch
my thinking is all's I need is the 110 LNB ? but all the kits I see include a Sat B to Sat C combiner connector ? I was hoping someone more familiar with this switch could conform this ? IF it ever stopped raining I could just go out and check....

Secondly I cannot get one threw D* since I only subscribe to STNFL I want to upgrade my dish and receiver just in case the rumor's are true about getting a couple extra HD games this season ( might want to watch the out of market HD game)

since I receive all my programming threw E* I'm not interested in adding D*Total choice programming for a part that costs less then 50 bucks

I'm buying one from ebay "a DirecTV Elliptical Dish SAT C Kit Eagle Aspen "from Channel Master it ran 22 bucks hopefully it what I need ...

also here's hoping that it stops raining excessively anytime soon! so I can check out dish it see if i recalled that switch correctly ?
JohnnyB40 said:
my thinking is all's I need is the 110 LNB ? but all the kits I see include a Sat B to Sat C combiner connector ?

No problem - the LNB is exactly the SAME, for either the phase I or II dish. In your case, just pitch the combiner, plug the LNB in the arm & your all set.
I just had this dish replaced because the combiner went bad on me. I had a great signal on the 119/110 sat and then one day it was gone. I thought it was Directv fooling with their sats but it turned out to be the combiner on the dish. The B LNB runs into one side of the combiner and the C LNB runs into another...then the one wire runs into a multiswitch on the back on the dish...I think its labeled Sat B 18V. Anyway, I went to an installer and his exact words were ...those dishes are have to upgrade. He was an installer and he did not even have a combiner for me. He ended up installing a new dish for me and all is well. Garbage or not...the dish lasted me 3 years. Just make sure you tape the combiner up making sure that a minimal amount of water can get to it. After a while it corrodes and you wont get a sig from your sat c because of it.
vinnyv07 said:
The B LNB runs into one side of the combiner and the C LNB runs into another...then the one wire runs into a multiswitch on the back on the dish...I think its labeled Sat B 18V.

Vinny - please re-read all of this post. Johnny has a phase II dish, which does NOT have an external combiner, like yours did. The switch AND combiner are ALL integrated in the feed arm. ALL he has to do is plus in Sat C LNB & it makes ALL the necessary connections automatically.

NOW, if the internal combiner/switch IS bad, then I would agree, replacing the dish would make more sense.
Sorry...I thought the phase II dish had the multiswitch in the mistake.
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