canceled service on Monday

I'm sorry. I couldn't make heads nor tails out of that diatribe. Too many syntax errors makes it impossible for me to read.......:confused:

Understandable. I'll translate. "Waaaa waaaa! I want free stuff! Waaaa waaaa! If I don't get it imma' cancel! Waaaa waaaa! I think I'm so special that I should get stuff that nobody else gets! Waaaaaa waaaaaa! I'm entitled!"
So, they offered a $50 rebate on programming and 3 months of two Premiums for free, just to keep the status quo. That doesn't seem too bad of an offer, though having a parade thrown in your honor would have been even better! :)
The bad part is the same exact thread gets recreated every week. There should be a sticky with a title that says "Best renewal/retention offer". The post would explain you don't get something for free. And MAYBE this would cut down on this never ending record of "I want free stuff" posts.

The bad part is the same exact thread gets recreated every week. There should be a sticky with a title that says "Best renewal/retention offer". The post would explain you don't get something for free. And MAYBE this would cut down on this never ending record of "I want free stuff" posts.

No matter what there will be other whiners come here and start a new thread.
I wasnt try to whine. I guess I didnt explain the reason I canceled. Partner took a new job with less pay. We were paying around $75 a mo with the top 200 with hd . Partner complaining that nothing is on and that is high for nothing to be on. Dropped to hd silver still no channels they wanted to watch. So now will get Comcast bundled with HD for $115 for a yr. Also tried too edit and dont see where it would let me. It was there when I first posted and disappeared . I guess after the first response.
100% agree. It's just as much, if not more, the DBS providers fault than the OP's fault. The DBS folks started all of the freebie stuff. I don't blame anyone for playing their game to find the best deal.
:up:up:up:up:up Absolutely! The competition in market created by all the tv providers, not just DBS, has created this situation. There isn't a week that goes by here that I don't receive mailers from some DBS or cable provider offering hundreds of dollars in free equipment to sign up with their service. You can not blame the public for expecting this type of 'fire sale' deal when they are renewing or shopping for tv service, when this is all they hear about, day in and day out.

Oh, BTW, any previous subscriber in 'good standing' can legally get a new customer deal under the terms of DHA 24. All they have to do is drop the service for 90 days and sign back up. Read the terms of the DHA 24. For all of you E* fanboys who probably don't agree, these are not my rules or ideas, they are published by E* for all to read.

Please understand, I currently have E* and am quite happy with my service, I have also had D* in past and was happy with that service. Both are good companies offering a fair product for the money. But make no mistake, when my contract is up, I will be the one shopping for the deal! Whether someone likes it or not, it doesn't matter. Competition in the market place is the American Way. The companies who are offering competing deals are in control of this situation, not the buyer.

Partner complaining that nothing is on and that is high for nothing to be on. Dropped to hd silver still no channels they wanted to watch.

I dont understand how it is Dish's fault that there was nothing on tv that you wanted to watch. Do you think that with cable they will have different programing on the same channels you had with dish? Perhaps you should just have an over the air antenna and not pay anything since there isnt much on tv you watch
radtech said:
;when my contract is up, I will be the one shopping for the deal! Whether someone likes it or not, it doesn't matter. Competition in the market place is the American Way. The companies who are offering competing deals are in control of this situation, not the buyer.

I just wish Dish would come up with a sensible equipment replacement/upgrade option for cutomers who have completed their contracts.
I don't want to have to play games and switch to another provider to get a great upgrade deal.
I don't expect new equipment every two years but I feel after 6 years with the same receiver Dish should offer to replace it If I will agree to sign another 24 month contract.
They could offer Reduced priced equipment but that should require no more than a 12 month contract.
The customer only leases the equipment from Dish and must return it if they cancel service. Cable companies have long provided customers leased equipment at no upfront cost to use their service. If the equipment is faulty or breaks the Cable company replaces it free of charge and makes service calls free of charge.
Dish wants to retain ownership of the equipment but charge you upfront to get it plus a monthly lease fee. Then they want to charge you to fix or replace their faulty equipment plus a service call charge.
Dish holds all the cards,makes all the rules and are responsible for the churn.
After being a 6 year loyal customer it's time for me to reap the benefits of a provider change. Wanted to stay with Dish but their current policy toward loyal current customers is just not acceptable.
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Count me as one of those that looks to see what is in my best interest at contract end time. Companies that I do business with must earn my business, just like I earned the business of my clients when I was working. It would be simple for them to send an email or snail mail at your contract end saying something like 'thanks for being a good customer, here's $10/month off for staying' or some such. But they don't because they are hoping you are like the majority and won't leave anyway. There is NO reward for you as the customer for being 'loyal' unless you ask for it.

As to the lease, well that is total fiction. It isn't a lease fee because if it was, there wouldn't be any equipment charge for equipment you buy outright. It is not a lease fee, it is a fee they can charge because they can and it makes them more money.

Both sat services have a slew of marketing, financial and legal whiz kids telling them what is best for them, we only have these forums to help us ensure we get what is best for us.
I dont understand how it is Dish's fault that there was nothing on tv that you wanted to watch. Do you think that with cable they will have different programing on the same channels you had with dish? Perhaps you should just have an over the air antenna and not pay anything since there isnt much on tv you watch

I think the poster was talking about the Comcast bundle saving money: phone/internet/TV for $115. E*was costing $75 for just TV.
I wasnt try to whine. I guess I didnt explain the reason I canceled. Partner took a new job with less pay. We were paying around $75 a mo with the top 200 with hd . Partner complaining that nothing is on and that is high for nothing to be on. Dropped to hd silver still no channels they wanted to watch. So now will get Comcast bundled with HD for $115 for a yr. Also tried too edit and dont see where it would let me. It was there when I first posted and disappeared . I guess after the first response.

Ok well that's a slightly different story. Except of course that the content of the channels will be the same no matter what provider you use. So if there wasn't anything on he wanted to watch when you had Dish, it will be the same with comcast.
I think the poster was talking about the Comcast bundle saving money: phone/internet/TV for $115. E*was costing $75 for just TV.
Agreed, however, the programming didn't get any better with the switch, and it will probably cost more when the price jacks up. OTA and $20 for unlimited Netflix probably a better option.
Agreed, however, the programming didn't get any better with the switch, and it will probably cost more when the price jacks up. OTA and $20 for unlimited Netflix probably a better option.
Yep. He's going to get a minimum $15.00 bump each of the next two years.

Ok well that's a slightly different story. Except of course that the content of the channels will be the same no matter what provider you use. So if there wasn't anything on he wanted to watch when you had Dish, it will be the same with comcast.

Hit the nail on the head. BTW to the OP the edit disappears after a few others have posted replies. Hope you like comcrap service. At least you are happy with the present deal. How long does it last 6 mnths then go to full price? This sounds a lot more catty than I really mean it to sound, but sarcasm just doesn't really show up in typing.

Why are FX and Animal Planet not in Top 120?

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