Can the 522 audio drops be fixed?


Give it up, dude. No amount of E* damage control is going to make up for shoddy software and hardware. You can quit shilling now. It's crap and we all know it.
GetMeABeer said:
Give it up, dude. No amount of E* damage control is going to make up for shoddy software and hardware. You can quit shilling now. It's crap and we all know it.

Well, to be honest, I really do love my 522. Its positives far outshine the negatives. For me, it's just this one, glaring problem. If they were to clear up the audio/video dropout glitch, I would be very happy.

I _am_ irritated at E* for a lot of other reasons (the fact that for a long time they offered the 522 to new subscribers only and made it difficult to just outright buy one, for example, was a nice little backhand to their faithful subscribers), but they're still far superior to Comcast.

Now, if DirecTV offered me a free DVR, I might jump ship... :dev
The bugs are annoying but not bad enough for me to have the service disconnected. The receiver is still usable and it does not affect me being able to use the DVR. They will fix the bugs I just hope its soon. What I think is more major is when such things happen such as when you push buttons and nothing happens like with the 721 when only the GUIDE, VIEW, or few other buttons work and you have to reboot the receiver to get it to work.
GunnerJoe said:
Of all the 522 problems, I have had very few. Audio dropouts is the biggest one. I can live with 1 or 2 every now and then - although I shouldn't have to! - but last night was ridiculous.

I had they same type of problem back when 2.33 was first released.
It only happened the one time.
I get 1-2 audio dropouts per 1 hour recording normally.
Last time I checked my signal strengths, they were all very strong. I'm in Southern California and have had hardly any trouble during the severe rains we've been having. That night was a dry one. I had recorded Lost on the same night and had ZERO dropouts. 1 - 2 an hour is probably average for me as well. My wife had a recording on Fox at the same time, and right before American Idol. I'll see if that had the same problems. If so, then it had something to do with that channel in particular. If not...I'll blame the 522 (just because it's fun!)
Ok, I watched the other program that was recorded the same night. No dropouts. Here's the score:
Lost (7:59-9:00, local ABC, tuner 2): No dropouts (amazing!)
Simple Life (8:30-9:03, local FOX, tuner 1): No dropouts (Wow!)
American Idol (9:00-10:03, local FOX, tuner 2): 1.67 gazillion dropouts (ouch)

So I guess it's fair to say in my case, that it was neither specific to that channel, nor the tuner. I don't know what the heck was going on. I wish I could remember if we were playing back another recording at the time.

I rechecked the signal strengths on both tuners, both sats (110 & 119). The lowest signal strength I got was 86. Most were mid-90's and a few over 100.

Trying To Hookup a Second Receiver

522 Line Level audio outs?

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