Can I stand a 625 on it's side ?


Original poster
Jul 25, 2005
I'll be getting my 625 with my new install next week. I'm looking for a place to fit it in my TV cabinet up where the TV is... the lower shelves have separate doors that are usually kept shut.

Anyway, does anyone else out there have there's on it's side ? I would think this would be a problem for the hard drive... but I was thinking it might block some ventilation holes/vents.

I guess I'll find out when I get it, just wanted some advance info on this... Thanks.
It will be fine as long as it's on its RIGHT side, all the vents are on the bottom and left side. Might actually be better as heat goes up rather than sideways.

This would be no more disruptive to the hard drive than configuring a computer as a tower or a desktop; manufacturers put the drives in machines all sorts of ways.
I agree with Pepper. I have my 522 on the side and it runs cooler than any others I've ever had.

Hard Drive orientation is irrelevant. They will work horizontally/vertically or diagonally. The biggest issue with a drive is moving the unit with the HD running. Always unplug your unit before moving it so you don't physically slam the heads into the glass/oxide platters.
Thanks guys... yeah, I messed up my wording there, I meant to say that the drive "wouldn't" be a problem, but I was concerned about heat venting, etc.

Anyway, sounds like some others have tried a goofy set-up like what I'm thinking... although getting another UHF remote might be cool some day.
I'll disent here. I had my 6000 on its side for a while and it did not like it one bit. It had heat issues. Once I returned it to a flat position, all the heat issues went away.

These receivers are designed to sit flat, so it might work, but there aren't any guarentees.
If you stand it up, make sure you can't knock it over easily. That would be my concern, that bump would almost certainly make it go night-night faster than any heat buildup would...
Remember: it's not really the fall that would hurt a DVR; it's the loud clunk when it suddenly stops that does all the damage! :D
FYI Update... installer came in and set the 625 on it's side next to the TV just as I had imagined it before I had a chance to ask him if that would work.

Anyway, to close the loop: 625 on it's side is no problem.

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