Can I modify my OTA antenna to get VHF-HI channel 7?

I'm trying some 1/2" square tubing 7 feet long for the boom and fence wire for the elements. The wire simply goes through a hole in the boom on either side with a hole in the top of the boom for a bolt and a nut in the hollow centre channel of the boom to lock the wire in place. A small piece of an old cutting board is used for the ends of the dipole for the connection to the balun. Still need to get a few more bolts and fabricate a mount. So far its light and very sturdy. Don't want it coming down off of my TV tower.
Good to hear that WBBZ makes it to the east end. I'm still hopeing they increase their power, but just may have to settle for MeTV out of Rochester NY. I miss THIStv.

Make sure you think about corrosion. Anywhere where two different metals are in contact is a site for it. Sal advised me to use stainless steel screws to attach the balun to the active element. Since the balun has aluminium wires there should be no problem since the elements are also aluminium.

Perhaps a generous application of silicone would prevent corrosion at the fencewire-balun contact site.
More ideas make the project better.
Up to a point. Beyond that threshold, the more engineering you add to something, the less practical it becomes

Overbuilt can be a good thing. Over engineered is typically a bad thing. Software is where this becomes most evident but it applies to hard goods as well.
Well the design changed a bit. I removed the fence wire and rolled inch wide pieces of aluminum flashing into tubes for the elements. Got it put up on the tower earlier this week and even saw WBBZ last night for a short while.
I don't think there was any improvement after the digital switchover. Probably because there was no increas in signal strenght from WBBZ.
Just an idea

If the station you want is circularly polarized you can get a 3 dB increase by adding vertical elements to your yagi 1/4 wavelength from the horizontal ones and fed with 2 equal lengths of coax to a splitter. Converting your horizontal yagi to a circular polarized yagi Circular polarization is supposed to be more fade resistant.
That's a neat idea! Maybe it will be a summer project for me.It is interesting that the station is circularly polarized. Isn't that unusual?

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