Are any channels or shows currently downrezzed via component video... or likely to be over the next 2-3 years? I don't really care about HBO/Showtime/Starz/PPV (I'm too cheap to pay for them anyway), but I'd be absolutely livid if they began downrezzing local channels, HGTV/HD, DiscoveryHD, etc as well after I spent several hundred dollars running RapidRun PC cable for component video throughout the entire house...
If HDCP is absolutely mandatory for HD output, can I at least connect a HR20/21 to the main TV via HDCP, and simultaneously get 960x540 component video from it to distribute to TVs elsewhere in the house? Or does connecting a TV via HDMI disable component output -- downrezzed or not -- entirely?
If HDCP is absolutely mandatory for HD output, can I at least connect a HR20/21 to the main TV via HDCP, and simultaneously get 960x540 component video from it to distribute to TVs elsewhere in the house? Or does connecting a TV via HDMI disable component output -- downrezzed or not -- entirely?