Can DSR7000 do pic-in-pic?

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
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Supporting Founder
Oct 26, 2003
I just switched to D* from E* and got a $99 DSR7000 and 3 additional receivers. On the DirecTivo remote there is a button labeled Pic or something like that (Im travelling on business right now and dont have access to the remote) in the upper left hand corner. What is the function of this button and can the DSR7000 even do Pic in Pic? Can any of the DirecTivo's do Pic in Pic? Seems a shame to have 2 tuners and not be able to do Pic in Pic.

Any help would be appreciated.


***Just noticed I wasnt in the DirecTV DVR Forums.. Admins, can you move this post to that forum?***
rickd2000 said:
I just switched to D* from E* and got a $99 DSR7000 and 3 additional receivers. On the DirecTivo remote there is a button labeled Pic or something like that (Im travelling on business right now and dont have access to the remote) in the upper right hand corner. What is the function of this button and can the DSR7000 even do Pic in Pic? Can any of the DirecTivo's do Pic in Pic? Seems a shame to have 2 tuners and not be able to do Pic in Pic.

Any help would be appreciated.


***Just noticed I wasnt in the DirecTV DVR Forums.. Admins, can you move this post to that forum?***
I asked ina few places in forums and did some searching. The result was that they can handle recording one channel while watching another, but they cannot facilitate PIP. It really sucks IMO, and it's the main reason I won't buy one. I would rather use a VCR on an extra reciever I have laying around and pay the monthly fee. That way you can use PIP. Dish however does allow this. DTV either doesn't care or doesn't know they are missing this nice feature.
rickd2000 said:
On the DirecTivo remote there is a button labeled Pic or something like that (Im travelling on business right now and dont have access to the remote) in the upper right hand corner.

That is the secret "window" button that sends all your viewing info to the mothership located in GEO orbit...... :D

Not does nothing right now....its for future use.

You can switch tuners fast with the tivo remote...just hit the down arrow. You really won't miss pip.


cking2 said:
That is the secret "window" button that sends all your viewing info to the mothership located in GEO orbit...... :D

Not does nothing right now....its for future use.

You can switch tuners fast with the tivo remote...just hit the down arrow. You really won't miss pip.



I read about changing the tuners with the down arrow, but being able to see whats on when Im really into a show would be a huge benefit. Also, there is a bit of a lag when switching tuners that while bearable can be a little annoying.

Does anyone know if the HD DirectTivo will support Pic in Pic?

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