Don't buy that. If you can get it to work it will wear out in less than a year.also was just browsing web and this is cheap at angel electronics might be easiest

Don't buy that. If you can get it to work it will wear out in less than a year.also was just browsing web and this is cheap at angel electronics might be easiest
hey arlo I'm on to something I just couldn't give up lol like I said I'm a mechanic so not completely lost when reading meters and understanding DC components I have a cam sensor off a 97 neon it's a hall sensor it works with my uniden I'm rigging a magnet to the shaft of the motor cause it spins the fastest of them all the hall sensor sends a signal of 5v to 0v dc to my uniden controller so there's a bit of info there I'll post pictures later when I get this tweaked it's a rig but if rig work redneck wins lmao still might go encoder route tho now I know the voltage my controller wants to see helps on switch encoder to buy thanks again arlo your a huge help much appreciated bud cheersHey guys. I've given as much as I can. An arduino or drone/rc guy would "get it" in a minute.
I have just an okay background in electronics and automation. lance, if this seems a bit over your head at all then it may just be time to bite the bullet and buy an actuator. Hell. I don't even know if that DC2 box is even practical these days. It would take quite a bit just to program sats into it. And (correct me) an interface cable and software.
Again. It's all here. You're looking at stuff from ages ago.
Here's my version of Magic Static's hall/optical interface. I tried reed switches a-mundo and different sector magnets.
I saw strange things on my oscilloscope. 5 regularly spaced pulses and one long one on 6 sector magnets.
Tried different spacing, reed switches. You name it. After switching to a hall switch and alternating N-S poles on a trigger disc.
I can tell you I rarely have to tweak my dish position for best signal.
Lance. Good luck dude. Maybe what you see here helps others.View attachment 143951
it got cold where I am but arlo was right trying to make my own magnet did not work I have a cam sensor from my dodge neon hall effect so I thought about it grab the magnet from a motor at the junkyard I drilled a hole in back of the motor shaft not far at all qrt. inch maybe and bolted sensor to it and wow this baby is counting I can call sats now yesssss!!! I'll do the math or look at how many counts I'm getting per inch of travel tomorrow its redneck but works just gotta make my cover longer and fit that here's the magnets poles in pictureThe positioner is Titanium's ASC1. It's very nice.
Better check on that motor before you start giving your receiver pulses not gear reduced.
I wouldn't worry at all about per inch of actuator got cold where I am but arlo was right trying to make my own magnet did not work I have a cam sensor from my dodge neon hall effect so I thought about it grab the magnet from a motor at the junkyard I drilled a hole in back of the motor shaft not far at all qrt. inch maybe and bolted sensor to it and wow this baby is counting I can call sats now yesssss!!! I'll do the math or look at how many counts I'm getting per inch of travel tomorrow its redneck but works just gotta make my cover longer and fit that here's the magnets poles in picture