CAMC errors, DirecTV System Failure Update

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I'm having a strange problem, and I guess it's probably related to this. Yesterday around 6 pm, all my channels went dark and I got the 721 message. I called in, and they said they were switching over us former Pegasus accounts to a new system. Everything came back on. Then, about 2 am last night, I lost some channels. I'm getting a 721 on all of my HD channels except SHOHD, HBOHD, and my distant ABCHD and CBSHD. Is this related to this stuff? Will they mail me a card, or does it have to be UPS/FedEX?
I'm hoping something works because the suspension fix didn't.

You're probably right that you didn't want me calling. My patience is running very thin on this.

Is there anything else D* can do?
squicken said:
I'm having a strange problem, and I guess it's probably related to this. Yesterday around 6 pm, all my channels went dark and I got the 721 message. I called in, and they said they were switching over us former Pegasus accounts to a new system. Everything came back on. Then, about 2 am last night, I lost some channels. I'm getting a 721 on all of my HD channels except SHOHD, HBOHD, and my distant ABCHD and CBSHD. Is this related to this stuff? Will they mail me a card, or does it have to be UPS/FedEX?

I get home last night, my Grandmother tells me that the TV's not working. I turn on the DirecTIVO and it works fine. I turn on my HD receiver and HBO-HD, Showtime-HD, CBS-HD E&W and ABC-HD E&W work fine as well as my SD channels, but the HD package gives me the "EXT 721" message.


I just got off the phone with D*. Apparently, when they switched me over they forgot to add the HD package. I had thought you couldn't receive any HD channels unless you subscribed to the HD pack, but I thought wrong.
Yeah, there are a few HD channels that will come in without the pack, for example showtime and hbo hd if you sub to the showtime and hbo packages, and the 2 ppv (99 and 599) will come in as long as you have the equipment, and NBA league pass and NFL sunday ticket sometimes has games in HD if you sub to those.
OK, I am one of the subs that has been caught up in all of the problems that D* has been having the past week. I tried to start a new HD-TIVO stb on 1/6 afternoon and still haven't been able to get anywhere. The info I've been given from D* CSRs and supervisors has been frustrating to say the least.

Can you clarify for me - are we to now call with a new access card (YES - I was told that would work) and get them to enter a noncorresponding receiver ID# to turn on the box. Will this be acceptable to whoever answers my call? Is this a D* sanctioned fix for these problems now?

Please help because I am just bewildered at this point!
I've got a question...I'm about to have a new system installed and create a new account. Will there be problems setting up a new account or are all the problems with existing subs?
I tried that fix and was told that it wouldn't work either.

I have to wait for their IT dept to re-enter my access card number in their database. That request was first put in on Thursday of last week and again on Monday. I was told it would take up to 72 hours.
Eyedoc, if you havent called with the card yet, yes, should work.

JosephB, no, as long as you didnt try to activate between 1/5-1/8, you should be okay. Everything is working fine now for activating things that have not been attempted yet. Just the cards that were activated between the days mentioned above are affected, as well as cards that had a problem during that time and were handled incorrectly.

Neutron, sorry to hear it isn't working for you... someone must have done a number on your account while trying to get it working. Hopefully your first request for Thursday has gotten underway.

I'll ask today if there are any more dt forms to go through and try to get some of these accounts taken care of myself.
DirecTVTechCSR said:
Eyedoc, if you havent called with the card yet, yes, should work.

JosephB, no, as long as you didnt try to activate between 1/5-1/8, you should be okay. Everything is working fine now for activating things that have not been attempted yet. Just the cards that were activated between the days mentioned above are affected, as well as cards that had a problem during that time and were handled incorrectly.

Neutron, sorry to hear it isn't working for you... someone must have done a number on your account while trying to get it working. Hopefully your first request for Thursday has gotten underway.

I'll ask today if there are any more dt forms to go through and try to get some of these accounts taken care of myself.

Can you look up my account and see what the heck is going on and try to fix it? If you can PM me and I will give you the info you need to look it up.
DirecTVTechCSR said:
Okay, we got a memo tonight and we have a way to fix the problem now for everyone who has a new a/c. It may even work if you have an old one laying around ;).

Pop the new card in, and call up. We are putting in phony receiver info with the make and model as a hughes hird-a2, which has no RID #. This will let us activate the card, and should get your programming working while they work on building the new accounts,and should be able to do a switch within minutes when its ready with the correct receiver info on them.

So, if you have a card, or have one on the way, we can fix it. If the rep hasn't got the memo, just tell them you have a hughes hird-A2. ;).

Good luck!

That does not work on a rid receiver , I've tried that . All you get is osd
726. because the receiver is looking for the rid number. The only way things will work is to get everything back up to a 100%. In camc
My story proved that statement true today.

After an access card swap I was getting error 726. This is with the access card that I was sent to replace the original.

I really don't want to replace the original because I don't want VE to get a chargeback for me not using the original.
Okay, I just called back and was told that my downtime report (what they turned in into their helpdesk) was in process and said that I should be good to go with my orginal access card by 6pm tomorrow.

I think the credits they're offering are kinda week. I either get a week credit on my bill, or one free month of Showtime. I really think a free month of my programming is more like it from all the frustration this has caused myself and my dealer, Robert at VE.
It sounds as if I am in the same boat as Neutron, however I wasn't told 6PM tomorrow. I was given this nebulous "I have been told that the account info should be completed by Monday, Jan 17" by a (very nice) CSR. Whe asked whether I would be receiving a signal on my new stb by Monday, the next answer came back "possibly". It really is frustrating because no one is willing to give anywhere near a concrete answer on when these new starts will be available.

By the way, I was given 6 months free HD package after a rather forceful request/demand to a supervisor last night. I feel that this was a small victory considering that they dc'ed this offer on 12/31.

The new a/c and no rid# idea didn't work for my equipment. The HD TIVO box apparently must have a rid# in tow for a card to work according to the CSR.
I agree with Jason and all the other Directv customers who are frustrated with this problem. It's getting close to a week that I haven't had service on the DVR I had activated on the 6th. I've spent hours on the phone during the last 6 days and no one has any answers - just vaque, rehearsed responses. If one more person tells me they're gonna fill out a downtime form and for me to call back in the morning, I'm gonna scream. I'm getting really tired and everytime I see that Directv commercial about how they're number one in customer satisfaction I want to throw my shoe at the T.V. By the way - I do sympathize with the employees there at Directv but still, a whole week and no solution? Come on guys.
Ext. 711


I'm new here -- actually new to satellite television, as I got installed and activated on --- January 6!! (if this were vaudeville, the drum would go Bah-da-bump!)

As you can probably guess, I had glorious service for all of 24 hours before it all went south with the code Ext. 711 mysteriously appearing on the bottom of each screen. I then spent the next 24 hours trying to call in the number that all the literature assured me would work -- after the initial "Welcome" message and "press 1 for..." I would get disconnected, or a busy signal, or a little music and a busy signal, or a little music and disconnected get the picture.

Finally got through -- CSR was very nice, very understanding, could do nothing, didn't know what was wrong, would fill out a "manual" on it to be looked into.

Called again on the 9th -- same problem getting through -- took all day. CSR was very nice, very understanding, transferred me to a tech. He couldn't do anything, but decided the problem was my cards -- ordered new cards to be Fed Exed to me.

New cards arrived yesterday, installed them, went through automated activation sequence -- and was transferred to a tech. Very nice, very understanding, but did not know what was wrong other than they could not activate these cards either and there were a whole bunch of folks in the same boat -- apparently it had something to do with a system upgrade or major software glitch or hackers or... Said they would send my problem to the main administration engineers (or something like that) and it should be fixed soon.

Was still not working this morning (actually, the on-screen guide that comes in over the phone line works great -- I can see what I am not getting to watch to my heart's content) -- found this website (what a great discovery -- a true bright spot in all this) and saw this message/sticky. It was the first time in a week I had the vaguest idea of what was going on.

Decided to call this evening to find out about getting my account re-entered so the cards would be activated -- CSR was very nice, very understanding but had no clue about what I was talking about and said my cards were active. Staring at the 711 message on one of the screens, I recited the entire saga and how the cards were not really activated at this time -- and the CSR said they would forward all my info and my query to their supervisor who would call me back. So now I wait again...

And to think I went with DirecTV because 2 friends told me it was the service whose programming etc. they were happiest with...I'm hoping that I will be lucky enough to experience that someday.

Thank you for letting me add my little tale to this saga...
Welcome to Satelliteguys!! :welcome

Usually Directv isn't like this. Why oh why they ever decided to upgrade their software without first testing it is beyond me.

Hopefully you, me, and everyone else who has been affected by this will be resolved soon.

Glad you found Satelliteguys! We hope you stick around. :)
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