CAMC errors, DirecTV System Failure Update

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well it wasn't down too long this time.

IT, IT wherefor art thou IT?
Dost thou not know how to fix?
Must thou drive thy CSRs unto insanity's point before thy goal of resolution is brought upon us?
Why must thou performest upgrades of such disastrous proportions but to cause woe and grief on thyne customers using GAEBOA receivers?
D* is graciously delivering me a DVR to replace my GAEBOA on Saturday morning. Are they going to be able to activate it or am I screwed by both the CMAC problems preventing activations and the GAEBOA fiasco?
gsxrscott said:
D* is graciously delivering me a DVR to replace my GAEBOA on Saturday morning. Are they going to be able to activate it or am I screwed by both the CMAC problems preventing activations and the GAEBOA fiasco?

There is a distinct possibility you might.
Nah... the camc problems are pretty much over, at least any new activations will be fine. There are still a few accounts messed up from the original ordeal, but any new activations will have no problems as long as the systems are up. The last few nights, everything has gone down at 1am central time, "schedueled maintenance", which I really dont understand why they dont schedule that for an hour later since everyone is gone at that time... but anyway if you call before then, and assuming everything isnt crashed, and they can get into the systems, you should be able to activate just fine.
DirecTVTechCSR said:
Nah... the camc problems are pretty much over, at least any new activations will be fine. There are still a few accounts messed up from the original ordeal, but any new activations will have no problems as long as the systems are up. The last few nights, everything has gone down at 1am central time, "schedueled maintenance", which I really dont understand why they dont schedule that for an hour later since everyone is gone at that time... but anyway if you call before then, and assuming everything isnt crashed, and they can get into the systems, you should be able to activate just fine.

the system must have been down most of the day yesterday cause they could not active 4 jobs i had . and the only thing the phone would do is ring for the most part.
Hmm. Yeah I think it was down during the day. I work nights, and everything was working when I came in, till around 1am when it always goes down. We did have a lot of calls to do activations that couldnt be done that morning/afternoon

Surprising though, when everything went down last night, the only thing working was Billing. Why, oh why, are they getting rid of it...
DirecTVTechCSR said:
Surprising though, when everything went down last night, the only thing working was Billing. Why, oh why, are they getting rid of it...

That's no surprise! STMS is the most stable, easiest, most efficient, fastest system that we use day to day. And why are they getting rid of it? To make us over-joyed with apology to our customers! So we can pick up the slack where the IT guys left off! I'm sure you can come up with just as many wonderfully bad reasons to toss billing out the window. (Everyone i've talked to that has been doing the rio 2.3 testing at my call center said its been running slow as hell but atleast it was up while we had all the camc horrors)
YEah... Im not too fond of 2.3 . Its alright, I suppose... but it goes down, every freaking night. ANd it is VERY slow. PPV ordering takes twice as long. It is better than it was when it first came out though. It did take 10 minutes to order a ppv. Now its in the the 2-5 minute range. While STMS takes about 10 seconds... *Sigh* I really really really think we should all just protest. Everyone working at DTV should send in a Direct From You comment that we want to keep STMS, maybe they will listen.
DirecTVTechCSR said:
YEah... Im not too fond of 2.3 . Its alright, I suppose... but it goes down, every freaking night. ANd it is VERY slow. PPV ordering takes twice as long. It is better than it was when it first came out though. It did take 10 minutes to order a ppv. Now its in the the 2-5 minute range. While STMS takes about 10 seconds... *Sigh* I really really really think we should all just protest. Everyone working at DTV should send in a Direct From You comment that we want to keep STMS, maybe they will listen.
how can we subs help?
installer pay

joey25 said:
Question for you directv installers.How much does directv pay you to install a new dish and dvr? Just curious. or just a multiswitch and a new dvr? thanks joe
by the way, this site is outstanding. I wish i found it a few days ago.

Also, for about a week i could not update my programming online at directv because of the problems they were having, but this a.m. I was able to upgrade. hopefully when i get home I will have my new DVR service.

To Joe from Joe,
My answer to your question is around forty bucks. But it all depends on the source of the work and how far down the subcontractor food chain you are.
My charge is $60 for the first hour, $40 for each additional hour and I will do small jobs if I can schedule them for thirty for a half hour or less.
I have been paid less than fifty dollars for work I know stores charged the customer over two hundred bucks.
Your question has another answer......who provided the parts? DTV will send you equipment that is their property until installed on your residence as part of a subscribe for a year deal. Outside that, prices for stuff are all over the place..depending on your expectation of a guarantee etc..

Good question, however. I'll watch for many answers from many installers.

Joe Diamond-Eastern MD
Here we go again dtv sytems are upgrading again apparently all systems down, all i want is to activate tivo before superbowl

dtv get off your arse
Oh, but remember this...

A lot of the newer hires haven't even been trained in STMS since it's going behind the curtain around the middle of Feb.

Ugh. Any ETA on this down? Or is it back up yet?
DTV-T2-Tech said:
All systems are not down, billing system is working fine. Your tivo can be act.
yes, my tivo was finally activated after 3 hours, you should put the activate additional equipment option back on the website, it was lightspeeds ahead of the current system. lol
anyways dtv came through after an exasperated amount of time
cant beat tivo and superbowl

most of your calls coming from mainbank? calls to tech 2 go through tech one, most of the "dummies" here at mainbank do not know how to transfer on the hard phones, and that is the only way to transfer directly to tier two , so your stats seem well "adjusted" feh most of you guys seem like you have worked for direct less than a year...

PS I personally hate dtv the finance department must be extremely undermanned ie almost a quarter of a million dollars sitting in a corporate account of payments that they claim they can't post to an account, you send in a check, dtv misposts it and you have to fax in a copy of your check cashe by dtv so and it takes two weeks for them to fix it. same for money orders and banking online
Be glad when Convergys gets new contract!

DirecTVTechCSR said:

Every day, 50% of my calls are invalid transfers. 75% of those invalid transfers come from Mainbank.

The earthquake thing was just something going around amongst the supervisors in my center.

Who knows what is going on. Who cares. The fact is, the systems are pretty messed up right now. They are up and down. Rio 2.3 seems to be working okay, just slower than usual today.

And Ed, on a side note, you might want to start scoping out a new job. Your center's contract expires 2006, and DTV has no intentions of renewing. In fact, they are training people up here to do Mainbank functions to prepare for it.

And please, before you send me anymore PM's, please run a spell check. I seriously could not understand what in the world you were going on about.

Have a great day.
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