Been watching this thread and haven't posted yet so here goes...
I know we all like to see the silver lining and all that stuff but people like Dolan don't get rich by investing their own money in losing ventures. So I'd be surprised, no, SHOCKED if he invested his own hard-earned money into a venture like Voom.
So that leaves you with him finding investors. Well, unless we've all forgotten, we just came through the WORST time EVER for investors. A LOT of people lost a LOT of money over the last few years investing in, what seemed like at the time, a great idea. Unfortunately, this means nobody will be lining up to invest in a losing enterprise (remember, Voom IS losing a LOT of money afterall).
Of course this then leaves buying Voom at bargain basement prices. I'd guess this is what will happen, however, how soon is anyone's guess. Unless the rumors of Dish talking to Voom were accurate, I don't see anyone ponying up anytime soon. If I were Dish or someone else interested, I wouldn't pony up just yet. I'd wait a while and let the value drop further. Why would I spend the money now rather than waiting when I can spend a LOT less for the same thing???
Anyway, it's sad whether you're a fan of Voom or not. A lot of people will lose jobs over this (no matter what happens) and I've been on the receiving end of that type of job loss more than once for the same reasons. It's totally demoralizing to the people working there. I wouldn't want to be working there right now. Moral would have to be horrible.
It's interesting this is all happening right now. I actually decided to drop Voom because of all of the problems I've been having lately (been a sub for over a year now). Things have gotten really bad lately and I couldn't justify paying a premium for a product, which has as many problems as they have recently. On top of that, I refuse to pay a rate increase through all of this. I'm sure they would get their kinks worked out but I just couldn't pay $100 a month to beta test a product which hasn't really gotten much better in a year. Sure, more channels, blah blah blah, but they still have MANY issues which haven't been worked out.
For the record, I'm still a Voom sub because I've been waiting until I receive my other HD stb for my other service before canceling.
Also, I keep hearing everyone saying, "2005 is the year HDTV hits critical mass." Well, they've been saying this for the last 3 years. Unfortunately, Voom is proving DTV and Dish right--people, for the most part, don't really care about HDTV. Sure, it looks great and you get ooos and ahhs but, in the end, if people have to do something extra to receive it (i.e. get a different stb, pay more for a service, get a new tv, etc.) people just won't do it. The people who hang out here are NOT in ANY way a cross section of the population as a whole. We're all ahead of most people and are willing to deal with inconveniences to get something, which we perceive to be better.
And talking about inconvenince, let's see, if I sign up for Voom I've got to get a different service with less channels (I can't even get Cablevision's OWN channels!) than I had before and for my local channels I have to have an extra OTA antenna!!?? Oh, and I may have problems watching American Idol! Forget it! Remember, this is the mentality of MOST of the people out there today. I live 10 miles outside of NYC and I can't get all of my locals! And I have an idea of what I'm doing!!! Ok, I know it's not really Voom's fault but MOST PEOPLE DON'T CARE!!!
In short, they were set up for failure before they started the service. Premium services/product like Voom have a VERY limited group of people who will give it a shot. When there are problems with this PREMIUM service most people will not pay for it.
Oh, and no matter what many people around here think, MOST PEOPLE DO NOT CARE ABOUT A DVR!!! Voom's dvr would NOT be the knight in shining armor many people predict it would be. Heck, you can get a Tivo for next to nothing and they STILL have problems selling them. I know, personally, maybe 3 other people besides myself who actually have a dvr (not counting online friends). And they all see mine and all love it and all ask about what it costs, where to get it, etc. But they NEVER get it. So a dvr would be great for us but I doubt it would bump their numbers much (if any).
I've been a big Voom fan from the time I learned about them. I really hoped they could pull it off but they couldn't. In short, it's been a great ride but I think it's, more or less, over. If someone buys Voom I doubt you'll get the things Voom has been working to deliver us, you'll get less rather than more.
The Rickster