Begging to differ with Sean Mota, (who usually is right on with his VOOM thoughts).
The entire RDBS is up for sale. Not pieces. Read the memo. This is the same spin-off company that is up for sale. The whole package.
As even the Dolan memo specifically notes, the potential sale does not include any Rainbow property but VOOM, also known as Rainbow DBS. First off, as Cablevision announced to the SEC last month, the spinoff is dead. And to quote the memo:
"...Yesterday, Cablevision's Board of Directors in a split vote passed a resolution to sell or dispose of Rainbow DBS, i.e., VOOM and VOOM 21...."
So, according to no less authorities than the Dolans themselves, the sale or disposal does not include "all of RME" which would include News 12 Long Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Westchester and the Bronx, FSNs in Chicago, Florida, New England, Ohio and the San Francisco Bay Area, RME's 50% ownership in the national Fox Sports Net service and RME's (very profitable) National Networks: AMC, WE, IFC or Fuse.
The inclusion of such money-making properties in the sale would cause members of the Cablevision Board to face serious legal governance problems.
Thus, as even the memo makes crystal clear, the potential sale will be of VOOM and VOOM only.
Despite the superb quality of the VOOM service, this is a company which has run up a half a billion dollars in expenses ($477 million in the past year alone) and has contracted for hundreds of millions of future spending.
It obviously has great value to it viewers, but very, very little to potential investors.
And despite the internal memo, shouldn’t Cablevision be making some public comment?