a sidecar is usually called a dsr-905 its used together with a analog receiver ( the analog receiver moves the dish as the side car cannot.
it take a littke time and study to get thing straight so being in a rush isn't always the best thing.
like mentioned above the sidecar and the other 4dtv receiver can be used to subscribe to receive channels muct like the DN & DTV subs but usually costing a bit less and usually have a better picture quality.
some also have these receiver with no subscription, they use it to get free channels ( or channels not requiring a subscription).
and IMO c-band using a DVB receiver is the best hobby out there and having KU added to it about doubles the fun ... lots of digital channels to watch ( no HBO's Discovery Channels , ect ) but plenty of other channels out there to find . Just for the sports feeds alone its worth it to me
i loved being able to watch each game of the collage basketball regional , instead of having to watch what ESPN or CBS only wanted us to watch...... i really hate it when the cut from one game to goto another .... leaving us in the blind on a game we would rather watch.
about the HD receivers , i know that most of the country is going digital in 2009 and all the hype has placed HD at the most important thing to get & have but i can't see it.... i do have a HD receiver but its not hooked up yet waiting on a newer tv. but right now there are not a bunch of HD channels up there yet to warrent the investment yet...(this doesn't count wild feeds)....
Lak7 said:
Now the Good News!(according to me). With High Def Sports Feeds, C Band is just coming into it's own, well worth the effort. There is plenty up there, and with the Internet and Forums like Sat'Guys, it's easy to find something to watch. You just need a HD DVB reciever, DVB-S2 capable preferred.
and i might have to revise my comment after i get my HD receiver hooked up ...
a good blind scanning DVB receiver along with you analog receiver (used as the dish mover) would be a good basic setup to enjoy the hobby.