Well I give up, two 921s and the seocnd one is worse than the first. OTA DTA recordings that are 4:3 for soem reason drop audio ever few minutes. The audio is there, if I rewind I can hear what was dropped. Then the constant hangs and lock ups! For a Linux box this thing has been rebooted more in a few weeks that any Windows box I owned for years. Add to that the horrible E* tech support and well I may dump E* as well. They clearly can;t do advanced technology. And forget the "new techology adopters have to deal with bugs" the 921 is out over a year! As well as the 522 which seems to be plagued with many of the same issues. I suspect I will be moving to D* since I rarely read as many issues as with E* dual tuner receivers. I'm wondering if anyone has a trouble free 921 or are many people just over-looking or ignoring many of the quirks?