Buy or Rent your HD DVD movies?

I do alot of both. I have nexflix and I usually get 2 hddvd's a week from them. I think ive only had a problem with a couple of them skip in over a year of using them. But for the titles that Ive seen in theater that I liked ill just go out in buy them. I have around 40 movies so i do buy quite frequency. I buy most of them from amazon becuase they are cheaper. In my opinion its worth the extra couple days wait if your saving a few bucks.
Shouldn't be too long until Wal*Mart has a 2/$11 (or whatever) bin for HD DVD titles as well. We're just in the opening days of what will almost certainly become another commodity. I just got involved with this whole format so I bought a couple for the "wow" factor. But I won't be spending that kind of money too often. I have 100s of standard DVDs, some still in the wrappers, mostly purchased at discount that I hardly ever watch now, so I wouldn't expect much difference in my watching/acquiring habits with the HD versions. I'll buy a couple of music DVDs when they become available (Rush, Yes, Zep, Who, etc.) and a couple of classic movies that I know I'll watch again, like Good, Bad, Ugly and Hunt for Red October. I used to rent a lot of VHS tapes back in the days, but like most others switched to buying when most everything went to DVD. Actually, that was before I had sat. and we only got 1.5 channels OTA, so the rentals were a good programming alternative. But anymore I don't seem to have the time to devote to frequent rentals or purchases. Maybe I'll try BB for a while. We also have a local M&P outlet that I used to frequent, so I'll probably check them out first. No membership fee and few constraints...
BlockBuster continues to add new hit titles to it's growing BD and HD DVD shelves but it seems BD at 3 to 1 ratio to HD DVD. I set up my movie pass costing now $30 a month at the local BB that carries these HD disks. It pays off but I am always game for a better deal. People keep telling me Netflix is the way to go but I tried BB online system once and it sucked! They had me throttled back to 3 DVD's old titles) a week and that was only because I could turn in a junk title at the local store for a store credit on a good title. What a rat race that was. Too much title management for me.

So everyone brags up this Netflix deal. Thanks to Cochise guy for stating the reality.
But still doubting, I check it out and discover the number of HD DVD titles is only 20, and their number of HD DVD's of these 20 nationwide is only 400. Seems the BB inventory nationwide would run rings around Netflix. We have about 60 titles at the local store in HD DVD.
Move on to Blu Ray- the number of titles is about 3 times the HD DVD count or about 150. They have about 3 copies of each title. This is just one store.

So Netflix users, tell me, does Netflix only have the few HD titles I see in their Browse section or is there a hidden set of titles that you can only see if you are a member? I'd sign up to increase my title selection but not if that's all they carry.
does Netflix only have the few HD titles I see in their Browse section or is there a hidden set of titles that you can only see if you are a member? I'd sign up to increase my title selection but not if that's all they carry.

Don, NetFlix has pretty much every HD DVD and Blu-ray title released in this country (by major studios, anyway). When you sign up you must indicate that you have an HD-DVD and/or Blu-ray player and then you will be able to see the entire list(s).
Don, NetFlix has pretty much every HD DVD and Blu-ray title released in this country (by major studios, anyway). When you sign up you must indicate that you have an HD-DVD and/or Blu-ray player and then you will be able to see the entire list(s).

Guaranteed? :) Been burned so many times. But, I'm sure if you went to the Netflix website not logged in you'd see what I mean. I found the numbers inaccurate. I really didn't believe 20 was all they had in titles and I also felt that 400 was too high for titles and they just claimed "400 DVD's in stock" Not 400 titles in stock. Confusing it is.

So, lets say I sign up and are interested in both BluRay and HD DVD complete lists. Can I state that I have both?

I've also been reading the Netflix user forums and it seems that there is a huge brouhaha over frequent users (that would be me) being throttled back using a variety of techniques from delaying receipt of returns for 1-2 days to shipping from the other side of the country rather than a local supplier. I believe Netflix even has admitted the fiscal need to throttle heavier users. So, by their own admission, they prevent you from exchanging unlimited per month. At best people have said they can consistently manage 18-20 per month and that is if they carefully gear their lives around a Netflix shipping schedule. Only enroll in a 2 out max account. And, manage their lists actively each day.

Predicament- I would like to have greater selection but don't want to rearrange my life around company policies that are geared to reduce customer satisfaction.

I may try the free trial but IO also heard that the free trial subscribers get first priority on their choices.
I'm not a movie collector so I signed up for Netflix after getting my A2... I have a 3 day turn around which isn't bad..

Netflix should give you the option not to have your DVD's sent from another location.. Rather just skip to the next available movie on your list.. To me it's more important I get a movie than in the right order..
Guaranteed? :)
Ok, just checked for you: I count 364 HD DVD titles listed on their web site (including a dozen or so of "coming-soon" titles). Some of the titles are actually 4- to 7-disk sets, like Heroes, Sopranos or "Planet Earth: The Complete Collection". So, the disk count should be close to, or above 400.

Even more on the Blu-ray side. And yes, you can view both lists! :D
Just indicate both formats in your profile.

Predicament- I would like to have greater selection but don't want to rearrange my life around company policies
You may have to. It took me awhile to get used to the "Queue" approach. And I did experience occasional delays and out-of-satate shipments. I don't know if I've been throttled or they simply didn't have anything locally. Anyway, my personal record was getting 6-disks per week on a 3-at-a-time ($16.99/month) plan. Good enough for me. If you need more disks, just sign up for a higher plan (up to 8 at-a-time). It's still a bargain if you take into account that they charge the same amount for HD as they do for SD. That's less than a $1 per disk, two-way postage included! (I don't even understand how they can do that!)

In your case, why not stick with BlockBuster? You seem to have a good selection locally (lucky you!) plus you can order on-line from them too.

In my case, my local BlockBuster has nothing in HD, so it doesn't offer me any advantage over NetFlix.
Ilya- Thanks much for clearing that up. I don't understand their mindset of not opening up the browse by non-members. Obviously, it caused me to move on and assume a scam on the numbers they claimed. Again, I appreciate you verifying the claim.

Yes, I appear to have good luck with local BB store but I do have to drive 6 miles to this one store as the others left after the November closings don't have any HD. Before the store I went to was only a mile but it closed.

Hollywood Video, much closer to me also has a HD section. I may check them out tonight and see what their latest deals are. I thought they were in Chap 11 but the local store, 2 miles away is still open and busy.

If that doesn't pan out, I may just try Netflix for a few months.
I've been a very satisfied Netflix subscriber for six years and have rarely had a problem (maybe 2-3 times) with an unplayable disc. (I always make sure to wipe off the cheetoes fingerprints before sticking any rented disc into my machine). And any time there is a problem, they are quick to take care of it.

I don't consider myself to be a heavy user, so perhaps I don't incur any "throttling," but for the very first time, just last week, I got a BD disc shipped across state lines, which I assumed was a function of them maintaining lower inventories of HD formats than SD. I highly recommend the service. Even only renting 4-5 discs/mo. on the $8.99 plan, I still come out WAY ahead over paying $6/ HD title at Hollywood. My girlfriend can also opt for HD format discs in her account's queue on a title-by-title basis for when we plan to watch something together at my house in HD.

I almost forgot. You can also stream movies/TV shows from their site for free for a certain number of hours depending on your plan. (With the $8.99 plan, I get 9 hours). It's not HD, but I was pleasantly surprised at the vid and sound quality of episodes of "Heroes" and "30 Rock" I watched in full screen mode on my 20" Dell monitor. Definitely 480p quality. The only drawback is the limited selection, but for free, I'm not complaining.
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I am a heavy user! In fact at my old store, I found out that I rented more DVD's than any other customer they had. In fact I had the second highest renter beat by double and then some.

So, what I am reading here there and in the Netflix threads, is that if you are a heavy user, you will not like Netflix. If you are a light user it is great as it will save you $10 to $20 a month. For me, I spend $30 bucks a month and rent $180 in DVD's. It saves me $150 a month so as DVDs go it some significant saving's. If it weren't for movie pass I wouldn't be watching this many DVD's. Couldn't afford it! I haven't paid that $2.99 rent fee in 5 years! They don't charge the $6/ HD title here. It is $4.99 as I looked at the sign tonight. Since I don't pay that I never concerned myself with the price per title.

So, I'm back from my BlockBuster BD and HD DVD swap and got two more new releases. On the way home I intended to check out Hollywood Video- Nothing in the store except a dieing cockroach. They still had all the open signs lit up and I didn't realize they were out of business until I saw the Parking lot empty. So much for Hollywood Video! :(

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