Salsa, you ever been to any Bills games?
I went to quite a few. My brother-in-law's law firm owns a skybo

major firm) and that is how I went to the Raiders vs. Bills game last year. I use to watch ALL of the Miami vs Bills games and I went to the ass whipping the Raiders took to the Kelly lead Bills, 51-3 in some playoff year back in the 91 or 92.
But the WORST game I went to was back in '93 when the Jets were in Buffalo, it was Christmas weekend. I had gone home from Chicago for Christmas and I had a ton of family in from Puerto Rico and they were DYING to go to a pro football game. They INSISTED on going, it was BEYOND bone chilling cold, I will NEVER FORGET that is the tale of the tape:
temp: about 10 degrees, wind chill.... -10
wind: 25-30 mph from the NORTH
day: 4-8 inches of snow expected
location: THAT day, we could not get a lovely, comfortable Sky Box seats...they got us tickets where even the air traffic controllers to Buffalo Internation Airport would be afraid of hights.
Rochester is 1 hour and 10 minutes from Rich Stadium....took us at least 2.
I have NEVER been so cold in my life....EVER!