Saturday December 16, 2023
Hi Folks, I wanna share with you that's
very unusual and I loved it!!!!
Every year for 21 years I bath my satellite
BIG DISH once a month, IF the weather is Nice.
When the weather is nice, I bath my "BUD", which
people called it "BIG UGLY DISH" or "BUD".
I'm proud to make a announcement that for the FIRST TIME
in 21 years, I have NEVER bath my BUDs in the winter time!!!
It was on Saturday December 16, 2023!!!
It was warm and sunny.
The weather lady who is sort of like a "Ceneralla"
on a local NEWS channel said that we're getting
some warm high pressure from Hawaii, so-called
"Pine Apple" weather. Not EL Neo weather.
When the sun shines in my backyard, it's pretty warm,
regardless what was the temperature outside.
It says 48 degrees. But I felt warmer than that.
Here are the pictures of my Satellite "BUD"s for a bath
in warm-Winter sunny "Pine Apple" weather.
Hope you all enjoy my photos of December 16, 2023
Warm-sunny weather!!!
Saturday December 16, 2023
Hi Folks, I wanna share with you that's
very unusual and I loved it!!!!
Every year for 21 years I bath my satellite
BIG DISH once a month, IF the weather is Nice.
When the weather is nice, I bath my "BUD", which
people called it "BIG UGLY DISH" or "BUD".
I'm proud to make a announcement that for the FIRST TIME
in 21 years, I have NEVER bath my BUDs in the winter time!!!
It was on Saturday December 16, 2023!!!
It was warm and sunny.
The weather lady who is sort of like a "Ceneralla"
on a local NEWS channel said that we're getting
some warm high pressure from Hawaii, so-called
"Pine Apple" weather. Not EL Neo weather.
When the sun shines in my backyard, it's pretty warm,
regardless what was the temperature outside.
It says 48 degrees. But I felt warmer than that.
Here are the pictures of my Satellite "BUD"s for a bath
in warm-Winter sunny "Pine Apple" weather.
Hope you all enjoy my photos of December 16, 2023
Warm-sunny weather!!!
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