digiblur SatelliteGuys Master Jun 8, 2005 14,190 4 Louisiana Oct 13, 2007 #1,601 Looks like KY will do it. And yes, I am talking about football.
gdarwin Supporting Founder Supporting Founder Lifetime Supporter Feb 9, 2005 4,299 113 Lousville, KY Oct 13, 2007 #1,602 Wow! 3ot!!!
Ramy The Star Wars Collector Podcast Supporting Founder Jan 27, 2004 30,931 529 Here Oct 13, 2007 #1,603 Yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Bobby Publican Supporting Founder Lifetime Supporter Sep 7, 2003 72,290 29,132 Rohnert Park, CA Oct 13, 2007 #1,604 How about in OT???
rockymtnhigh Hardly Normal Supporting Founder Apr 14, 2006 30,520 1,161 Normal, IL Oct 13, 2007 #1,605 Wow, the staff hijacked this thread Just kidding
rockymtnhigh Hardly Normal Supporting Founder Apr 14, 2006 30,520 1,161 Normal, IL Oct 14, 2007 #1,606 Desperate Housewives, Shark, a Survivorman rerun, The Long Walk Home on Family (Voom) BTW... recorded and watched BORAT last night. That film was hilarious. Truly lived up to the acryonym ROTFLMAO. Its on HBO again on Tuesday night; watch it!!!!
Desperate Housewives, Shark, a Survivorman rerun, The Long Walk Home on Family (Voom) BTW... recorded and watched BORAT last night. That film was hilarious. Truly lived up to the acryonym ROTFLMAO. Its on HBO again on Tuesday night; watch it!!!!
digiblur SatelliteGuys Master Jun 8, 2005 14,190 4 Louisiana Oct 14, 2007 #1,607 We moved to the sports section.
rockymtnhigh Hardly Normal Supporting Founder Apr 14, 2006 30,520 1,161 Normal, IL Oct 15, 2007 #1,608 Its MONDAY!!!! HEROES, Big Bang, 2.5 Men, Rules, Chuck, Journeyman, Californication, Enterprise Damn, it doesn't get any better than this.
Its MONDAY!!!! HEROES, Big Bang, 2.5 Men, Rules, Chuck, Journeyman, Californication, Enterprise Damn, it doesn't get any better than this.
ripnbigc Freeze Sucker! Jan 11, 2006 8,139 10 Wichita, Ks Oct 15, 2007 #1,609 Chuck, Heroes, 2.5 Men, Rules, Weeds, Californication, oh yeah Dancing for the wife.
Ramy The Star Wars Collector Podcast Supporting Founder Jan 27, 2004 30,931 529 Here Oct 15, 2007 #1,610 I still haven't finished watching last Wednesday's stuff, LOL
rockymtnhigh Hardly Normal Supporting Founder Apr 14, 2006 30,520 1,161 Normal, IL Oct 16, 2007 #1,611 Boston Legal, and recording BORAT on HBO to archive. THat is a MUST-see movie. Crude, but hilarious.
charper1 Bourbon Tester Supporting Founder May 18, 2004 18,442 6 I'm Nationwide Oct 16, 2007 #1,613 Don, sorry if you have not watched them yet, but CBS's Monday night comedy was awesome this week; above their usual great writing IMHO.
Don, sorry if you have not watched them yet, but CBS's Monday night comedy was awesome this week; above their usual great writing IMHO.
rockymtnhigh Hardly Normal Supporting Founder Apr 14, 2006 30,520 1,161 Normal, IL Oct 16, 2007 #1,614 charper1 said: Don, sorry if you have not watched them yet, but CBS's Monday night comedy was awesome this week; above their usual great writing IMHO. Click to expand... He is out hunting bambi...
charper1 said: Don, sorry if you have not watched them yet, but CBS's Monday night comedy was awesome this week; above their usual great writing IMHO. Click to expand... He is out hunting bambi...
charper1 Bourbon Tester Supporting Founder May 18, 2004 18,442 6 I'm Nationwide Oct 16, 2007 #1,615 Lol
rockymtnhigh Hardly Normal Supporting Founder Apr 14, 2006 30,520 1,161 Normal, IL Oct 17, 2007 #1,616 Bionic Woman, Pushing Daisies, Private Practice; dumped Back to You...
rockymtnhigh Hardly Normal Supporting Founder Apr 14, 2006 30,520 1,161 Normal, IL Oct 18, 2007 #1,618 The Office, Survivor, Grey's Anatomy
ripnbigc Freeze Sucker! Jan 11, 2006 8,139 10 Wichita, Ks Oct 18, 2007 #1,619 Smallville, Supernatural, Grey's.
digiblur SatelliteGuys Master Jun 8, 2005 14,190 4 Louisiana Oct 18, 2007 #1,620 Earl, Grey's, CSI, and BigShots... might have to check out the Viva Laughlin Pilot tonight. The wife loves BigShots and I watched a little bit and it's actually pretty funny. But ABC will probably kill it.
Earl, Grey's, CSI, and BigShots... might have to check out the Viva Laughlin Pilot tonight. The wife loves BigShots and I watched a little bit and it's actually pretty funny. But ABC will probably kill it.