Broadcast Networks Programming Discussion Thread

I've got a problem..... Drive, Desperate Housewives (for the wife) and Sopranos.... I can do Sopranos on VOD but I don't want to. Wifey likes Sopranos as well. I wonder if I can convince her to do Housewives on the PC. :)
I've got a problem..... Drive, Desperate Housewives (for the wife) and Sopranos.... I can do Sopranos on VOD but I don't want to. Wifey likes Sopranos as well. I wonder if I can convince her to do Housewives on the PC. :)

Sopranos will re-air several times this week; DH won't. Make wifey happy. :)
Wifey decided that Sopranos was more important than DH. I told her that I would catch Sopranos later on VOD, but she came over my way.... :)

DH had its moments, but it wasn't that good. Probably made the right choice :) I still have to watch last night's episode. Didn't get to it, and since the wife does not like the Sopranos, I'll watch tomorrow when she is gone!