Broadcast Networks Programming Discussion Thread


Arghh.... Used a OTA timer last night to program a show, and screwed up. Thought I told it to record for an hour. OH NO. Just turned the tv on and it was STILL RECORDING. 21 fd$%# hours later...

Wiped out last episode of What About Brian, a bunch of my kid's SD movies, a Space Shuttle Launch, AND Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. :( :(

Ughh... and the stupid thing only did what I told it to do.

Ok, I am done venting... :rolleyes:
Well look on the bright side, plenty of recording room now ;) add Csi as my Replay just did :D

Yeah, 25 hours worth. It hasn't had that much space since I first got the thing.

Not happy the hard drive had to run continuously for 21 hours though... I am lucky it didn't go "Boom" "Bang" "Dead..."
No Broadcast nets, but BSG 3.0, Surface, The Lake House, and three movies for the kid: Air Bud, Sky High, Hoot

AND if I can work it with the timers, Geronimo and Click... lots of movies on today.

(Hey, I've got all the DVR space I could need right now, might as well fill it with flics for awhile ;) )
The Lake House is good; recording it later tonight. I love all those time-warping movies.

Recording and watching Geronimo now. Never saw it before, pretty good.