What was up with all the CBS reruns Monday night?
I like Jamie Gertz; that silly family comedy "Still Standing" was pretty funny. She is surely a MILF. Not sure if I can get into "Shark" or not.
Yeah I watched the first one, and transfered the dvr'ed ones to Replay... over the weekend I guess the Ide cable died causing it to crash and erase all shows (including the infamous Midnight CC) got a cable yesterday and have 137 hrs of recording space at MQ... but lost all the sitcoms, Csi's, Ncis's, Cold Cases plus Shark's ( I did transfer the CBS crime shows to a drive I bought the day after thanksgiving) I like Shark, just don't have the time to watch and was saving it...
I ran through all my DVR shows already, but still didn't see why hot shows like 2.5 Men, How I met... and my hated CSI were all in reruns. I am looking forward to The King, but I have some odd feeling I will be disappointed.