There May Be A Dozen New HD DVD Players This Summer
There May Be A Dozen New HD DVD Players This Summer
BluRay will soon die?
It will survive. Ask Blockbuster what format they will carry. Blue Ray. That's a major think.
No one even knows about HD DVD. Everyone knows the word Blue Ray. Toshibe should have given HD DVD a different name. Try to say the HD DVD word to yourself and see which one sounds better. Everytime I have to explain to someone about HD DVD is very hard, compare with Blue Ray. Blue Ray sounds better to the ear. When you say Blue Ray everyone thinks, Yeah that's that great picture.
By the way I own both HD DVD and Blue Ray players and I like Blue Ray better.
Apparently not. It's "Blu-ray."Everyone knows the word Blue Ray.
Naw. It will survive as format for PS3 games, with all that superior capacity, bandwith & BD-Java interactivity.
Oh, wait a minute! Despite "millions & millions" of PS3's being sold, their isn't a single game title produced yet on a BD disk.
And that BD-Java interactivity won't standard requirement for another 7 months, and may not be supported by the current ""millions & millions" of PS3's" already sold. :yikes
You got that right Charper. Having All of these terms are absurd and just confuses everyoneCorrect, I agree, people should use the correct terms to avoid confusion. Heck why is it so hard to do so any way? The correct term is even shorter. LOL!
Blu-ray Disc
BD/DVD (planned hybrid format)
It will take years, especially when you look at the HD market and how small it is. As it grows the number of potential HDTV's out their will double and triple. And that means we could have a new leader every darn year for the next 5 years but an onslaught of cheap players could change things.So, I really don't care which one wins, I am not shelling out a nickle on any equipment until the format war is done.
This is the reason one must die -- and it more and more looking like HD-DVD will be a Asian product only and disappear from the US. Toshiba won't be making the money they could have but they will recoup their investment costs.