Blue Lines in Video on 921

Question about the blue line occurance

I was just watching 'Behind Enemy Lines' on HBO. There are scenes with Gene Hackman in a dark, very blue control room, so I got up close to see if I saw the blue lines...and I thought I did--very very faint! BUT...when I paused the video the lines paused as well. I changed aspect ratios and they changed size with the image. Further along the movie are some other dark scenes, and I couldn't see any sign of blue lines in those.

Does this sound like the issue we're discussing, or am I seeing a possible anomaly on the HD transfer? Seems to me if the blue line issue is present I would not be able to A) pause it; or B) It would persist no matter what the dark image is. Any comments or thoughts?

Ugh..nevermind, I DO have the blue bars. Its pretty easy to see on the HD demo channel's shark footage.

Toshiba TW56X81
Sorry about that. It would be nice for people to start stating their monitor as this may be a coincidental bug based on the combo of the two.
sclaws said:
I was just watching 'Behind Enemy Lines' on HBO. There are scenes with Gene Hackman in a dark, very blue control room, so I got up close to see if I saw the blue lines...and I thought I did--very very faint! BUT...when I paused the video the lines paused as well. I changed aspect ratios and they changed size with the image. Further along the movie are some other dark scenes, and I couldn't see any sign of blue lines in those.

Does this sound like the issue we're discussing, or am I seeing a possible anomaly on the HD transfer? Seems to me if the blue line issue is present I would not be able to A) pause it; or B) It would persist no matter what the dark image is. Any comments or thoughts?

Ugh..nevermind, I DO have the blue bars. Its pretty easy to see on the HD demo channel's shark footage.

Yup, mine do the same thing. I think it's pretty odd that they pause with the video. The problem seems to be the Pb output - unplug it, and the lines go away. I also have some "normal" video noise, fast moving waves. This goes away when I unplug the Pb also.


I initially thought mine didn't have it either. It wasn't until I was watching an HD movie in "home theater mode" (lights out, HBO-HD) that I saw them. It seems to take the right brightness level and blue content. The kids were watching SD channels with the lights on last night, and I couldn't see anything. Then later I was watching "Crinsom Tide", and the lines were very apparent in the underwater scenes. I guess if you have DVI, it's a don't-care for you anyway.
BarryO I did run quite a few tests with the different screens and just could not see anything. Black screen, white, dark blue, lighter blue, the demo shark footage, and several dark SD and HD movies. My HT is dark too, no lights.

I also got in the DVI-A to VGA adapter cable I will be testing this weekend. I want to see if the video quality of it is closer to the PQ of Component or DVI. There was a significant noise level increase on Component vs. DVI so if you want better, cleaner color, check out DVI as a priority on your next monitor. I highly recommend it.
Also, the 921 is capable of dual, simultaneous output on Component and DVI so you could feed two monitors in HD.
I think the display is only capable of component or DVI, if DVI is active component isn't. If DVI is unplugged, component works.

I think results are heavily dependent on set used, e.g., on my plasma component is better & w/o artifacts mentioned in this bug, and better primarily for upconverted SD material. On my Voom box & DV-59avi DVD player, DVI is clearly better (but only marginally).
I have tested my 921 with both component and DVI (single and dual link) cables. I have found that when I connect a single link DVI cable I am able to use the DVI and component outputs simultaneously. When a dualink DVI cable is used I cannot access DVI and componet outputs simultaneously.

In my case component cables provide a more detailed and vibrant picture than DVI. The strange thing is that it was the reverse with my 811 using the same cables connected to the same television.
BCH- Always something to learn every day. Didn't know about dual vs. single link DVI-D cable. I just know that I CAN get simultaneous DVI and Component output. I have completed testing on my 921 with 3 different outputs now.

Best Video once calibrated with test pattern bars:
DVI. Virtually no artifacts and no noise in the chroma, very pure color.

Very close but does show some slight noise in the solid color is RGBHV. I bought an adapter cable that is DVI-A to VGA DB15HD.

A more defined departure from the first two methods is Component out. The major difference is when inspecting up close the solid colors have about twice the noise in the color. But in also, the hard edges of the image have a bit of chroma crawl artifact that is not seen in the RGBHV.

In the case of a component signal looking more detailed and vibrant than DVI, it may be that you are mistakening the noise in the chroma as detail. Unless you are using a high resolution monitor, you may not be able to tell the difference. The best way it to look at solid pure color fields as video images may confuse.
Does this problem only appear on the analog component outputs?

I've been using exclusively the digital DVI output and have not seen any problems with blue bars. Should I hook up the component just to check if there is a problem in need of repair? If I have to sell this receiver down the road to someone who is going to use components later, I'd rather they work even though I'm not personally using them myself.

I received my 921 back from Dish only to discover that the blue lines weren't complete gone. They lines aren't as bright as they were before the fix, but the are still there.

Called the Dish guy back handling the problem and they sent me a new one. Just got it hooked up last night and haven't had a chance to make sure it is free from blue lines.

Check your TV very carefully after you get your "Fixed" 921 back.
They fully replaced it back yesterday. The test I used before for the blue lines was on the D* HD demo loop during the underwater shark footage..there are some deep-blue shots that pointed out the lines clearly. I did not see the lines with this new 921, but I also didn't have alot of time last night to try much else. Good news is its running noticeably smoother than my last arrived with the 1.45 software already installed. OTA scan worked great and I have yet to crash the box after an evening of use. CallerID kinda didn't pop-up the caller (its enabled), but did log the call in its call list. Kinda odd, but I can live with it for now.
sclaws said:
They fully replaced it back yesterday. The test I used before for the blue lines was on the D* HD demo loop during the underwater shark footage..there are some deep-blue shots that pointed out the lines clearly. I did not see the lines with this new 921, but I also didn't have alot of time last night to try much else. Good news is its running noticeably smoother than my last arrived with the 1.45 software already installed. OTA scan worked great and I have yet to crash the box after an evening of use. CallerID kinda didn't pop-up the caller (its enabled), but did log the call in its call list. Kinda odd, but I can live with it for now.

Also got a replacement receiver with 2-3 days of calling Dish. This one works PERFECTLY, including scanning OTA channels. The previous one could not find OTA channels. This one can. Bingo. Plus, no blue lines at all. Very happy.
New to this forum. I've just started looking into gettin a 921 and find that DISH folks aren't selling and refer customers to 3rd party retailers. Two questions:
1. Is it still too early to be buying this unit>
2. Who's selling them?
I noted a couple of posts talk about returning them to DISH for repair. So they fix them but don't sell them?
amielp said:
New to this forum. I've just started looking into gettin a 921 and find that DISH folks aren't selling and refer customers to 3rd party retailers. Two questions:
1. Is it still too early to be buying this unit>
2. Who's selling them?
I noted a couple of posts talk about returning them to DISH for repair. So they fix them but don't sell them?

If you like to be an "Early Adopter", no it is not to early. There are still several bugs to be worked out but the unit does work most of the time now. sells them, however, there are none available to buy at the current time. There is a post in the "921 Q/A Hold" thread speculating that 921's may be relased again this week.
I sent my 921 back for repair last Monday (3/1). It was supposed to be back to me by Thursday or Friday, but apparently my repair is currently "on hold" with no solid date for when it'll get done. :/ Does anyone else currently have a unit out for repair? Are you being told the same thing? Hearing about others getting fixed or replacement units in 2-3 days is rather frustrating -- I've been without mine for over a week now and I don't know how much longer it will be!
Does anyone have any updated information on DISH's repair plans for the "Blue lines" problem? I had my unit sent back to me (without a fix) after it sat "on hold" for over a week back at the beginning of March. I was told they would contact me when they had the necessary parts to fix it so I could ship it back to them, but I haven't heard anything and it has now been almost 2 months. While my unit is working, it still definitely has the problem and I'd like to get it fixed. What's the latest word on doing that?

811 locals not showing on low channels

SHIVA response from my senator.

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