Blue Bloods

I thought it was just Meh. Maybe I'm just getting Meh about the series, period.
Last night's episode was probably one of the best of the series so far. Blue Bloods is one of the few network TV shows to have balls. The meeting between Sarah and the scumbag was a truly wonderful scene that is needed more in these types of situations. It's these types of episodes that makes Blue Bloods stand out from every other police drama on network TV.

'If you're really sorry you will try to kill yourself again, and you'll get it right this time'. Loved the delivery of those lines, if I was in the same situation, I'd say the same thing. Not since the days of NYPD Blue, has there been a cop show that focused more on the victims and given the middle finger to political correctness. I love it!
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I agree, I think it was one of the best episodes I remember, and I liked all 3 subplots (or were there more than 3?).
I also liked Jenko being brave enough to go undercover and that thanks to her, they were able to get those guys.
I wish television would do a series about the truly top cop in the City -- the Chief of Detectives.
You'll agree more if you read Chief. It's a memoir from Albert Seedman, a former NYC Chief of Detectives, who died in 2013. He was in that position during some of the most headline-gripping and bizarre cases of the Sixties and Seventies. He was a remarkable character, and the cases truly read like detective novels.
'If you're really sorry you will try to kill yourself again, and you'll get it right this time'.
I didn't like that whole story line, mainly, because in the end, the killer found peace, and the victim/survivor found hate, bitterness and unforgiveness, which will ultimately destroy her. It's definitely a slice of reality though. Very few victims in real life ever forgive their attackers. Disappointing that the "devout" PC didn't at least encourage her to do what HIS religious doctrine clearly states should be done.
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Sorry, I don't have a bleeding heart. I would think the murder's preferred method of 'finding peace' would have been having a bleeding heart console and forgive him. Frank was right, his shot should have been a few inches over, should have put the filthy animal out then and there. This is why I love Blue Bloods, because for 44 minutes a week, 22 weeks out of the year I can at least pretend those that deserve to be punished actually get punished.
Tonight´s episode promises to be good.

Unfortunately I watched a promo, and dang the thing contained some key scenes that I wished I hadn´t watched, so that I would enter the episode with more expectancy.
I was hoping so. She is the only character that I do not like on Blue Bloods. Nicky brings nothing to the show. Normally I do not like when police dramas go into the personal lives of their characters, but I loved the subplot of one of the episodes last season when she called her teacher a bitch. And her teacher ended up being...well you know...a bitch. :)

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