Detective in the NYPD is a level of achievement, that usually gets you into the investigative units such as Homicide. Plus, you usually can't be appointed to the upper echelons at 1 Police Plaza until you've made Detective.
It came as a surprise to me to learn she died during summer, (I'm talking about the character, since I don't have any clue as to what might have happened to the actress), and therefore she didn't make it to this new season.
I know this thread has been dead all season, but today was day 3 of my annual Spring Road Trip. This year was back to NYC. Yesterday our bus tour went by the real 1PP but I didn't realize it until we went by and didn't get a chance to snap a picture. Today took a ride out to Long Island to see a few famous locations. Stop #1 when we left the hotel, was the corner of Harbor View Terrace and 82nd Street in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn.
What a terrific season finale! At the end when Jamie was late to Sunday dinner, I knew instantly what was about to happen.
Great behind the scenes insight from TV Line on the episode. This continues to be my favorite show on network TV, can't wait to see how things unfold next season.