Blu ray Media

When Phillips first introduced the +R recorders Sony announced that it's computers would all come standard with a +R only DVD recorder. It was a big mistake since it killed their sales on Vaio computers. Later they released a new line of Vaio computers with combo +R/ -R recorders and sales returned to normal.

Vurbano- Agreed 100% on your comment about Apple. I paid the same price for my Mac Book Pro as the Dell but I got twice the machine ( features, speed, and capacity) as the Mac. The only reason I bought the Mac is to load it with Final Cut Pro to have a system for that video editor to be able to work with FCP editors to expand my capability. As it turned out, most of the numbers of FCP editors had no talent and few really new the FCP program as well. I discovered first hand how overrated the Mac hardware and the Mac heads as well as Final Cut was. The only people who think FCP is great are those who have never worked in another editing environment.
However, there is much to be said for the OS X OS. Yes it is different and seems awkward at first but fast and clean it is and for that reason it has great appeal to many who just want to use and not tinker. If you want to tinker, you have to be in the big leagues as a computer hacker. Macs are not easy in that respect.
Some day these manufacturers will learn that the consumer just won't accept more than one format.
I don't think this is true.
Risking to state the obvious, competition is good for the consumer.

I don't think a better example is needed than Intel vs. AMD.
Yes, Intel is the dominating force but we wouldn't have 1/10 the PC power today if AMD wouldn't be around, IMHO.
Intel's arrogance of 10 years ago was sickening - anybody remebers the calculation bug that by Intel's account wasn't a big deal?
The same is true in MS vs. Apple and the rest of the OS world.

Having said that, I believe a sober view on what should be standardized vs. what should be left for competition would be beneficial.

Best US example - Bell. They were given the monopoly power and after the network was built (i.e. standard established) - taken away.
Too bad everybody forgot about it when cell phones started to take off. Europe didn't and was for a while a couple years ahead of North America.
I wonder when Apple and Microsoft will give up the battle and settle in on one OS that runs on all platforms.
Never... hopefully.

When Phillips first introduced the +R recorders Sony announced that it's computers would all come standard with a +R only DVD recorder. It was a big mistake since it killed their sales on Vaio computers. Later they released a new line of Vaio computers with combo +R/ -R recorders and sales returned to normal.

Vurbano- Agreed 100% on your comment about Apple. I paid the same price for my Mac Book Pro as the Dell but I got twice the machine ( features, speed, and capacity) as the Mac. The only reason I bought the Mac is to load it with Final Cut Pro to have a system for that video editor to be able to work with FCP editors to expand my capability. As it turned out, most of the numbers of FCP editors had no talent and few really new the FCP program as well. I discovered first hand how overrated the Mac hardware and the Mac heads as well as Final Cut was. The only people who think FCP is great are those who have never worked in another editing environment.
However, there is much to be said for the OS X OS. Yes it is different and seems awkward at first but fast and clean it is and for that reason it has great appeal to many who just want to use and not tinker. If you want to tinker, you have to be in the big leagues as a computer hacker. Macs are not easy in that respect.
I got a steal on 2 gateway 4GB M6862-series dual core laptops with discrete ATI graphics as they were being discontinued at Best buy (not sure why...maybe because their windows performance score was putting all of the 1200 dollar laptops with integrated shared mem graphics to shame?) It was only available if you asked for them to go look through their stock for them. I paid 700 bucks a piece for them, a year or so ago when my son started college. I priced one macbook equivalent at that time and it was over 2100 dollars. That is 3:1. Just absurd. Now dont get me wrong I would love to have an apple. My 1st computer was an apple IIc. They make high quality stuff but I could never justify the money when it will be outdated in 3 years and costs 300 percent more.
Vurbano- I don't think you can compare Mac to PC's below the 2000 price point. My comparison was for two laptops that had a base price of the same and what I got for it.

For example to mention just a few:

Dell had 4 USB ports Macbook 2
Dell had 2 headphone jacks Mac 1
Dell had a Verizon EVDO card built in Mac none
Dell had RGBHV out MAC had DVI and then required a dongle to get RGBHV
Dell has PS2 port for PS2 keyboard Mac has none
Dell has slots for flash memory cards Mac requires an adapter
Dell has swappable hard drive tray, Mac's hard drive is internal requiring a complete disassembly to swap
Dell has two size batteries for weight, size vs. run time, Mac has one that is less run time than Dell's small battery
Display on Dell works in sunlight, Mac is too dim to see outdoors
Mac weighs 2 pounds more than Dell

Here are the pros of Mac over Dell:
Better speakers, sound quality
Has Firewire 800 for HD video transfers
I can run it in windows XP or Mac OS X easily using parallels
Starts up faster and is more stable running.
ramy- I checked out a bunch of them that are referenced in the forums. Many are copycats with different skins. Most have free trials which is good because if I can test for free, I will and from what I found most of them don't work. Many don't work on a Vista 64 bit platform but will work on XP machine. I finally found one that does work but I still am having trouble with getting the end result to work. This was the AVS Video Converter v 6.3. It ran fine on my Vista 64 machine but the end result was quite surprising. The language was in Spanish??? I'm not sure what I had set wrong but it had to do with something I did, I'm sure, in AnyDVD which seems to be the basic first step to getting your BluRay Disk onto the PS3 or XBOX 360.
So I tested this AVS Video converter and the nice thing is it has a way to reset the gamma and other video quality settings but when you do the render takes forever. A 2 hour movie took 13 hours on my very fast Vista Quad core with 8GB. In the end the free trial does the complete movie but it put a tiny watermark in the center. The gamma and other effects I tested worked great. My test was to output to a wmv HD file at 1080P 23.97 fps. The file played fine on the XBOX 360 but not on the PS3. As I said the sound was the Spanish track, not English. However, the m2ts file played fine in English on the computer.

This is a guess but maybe I need to set the region attribute in Any DVD to Region A. Open to suggestions but that is what I plan to do next test. If it works, I suppose this will be the application I will register $$. There may be others that work better but failed on my Vista 64 machine so they were dead out of the gate.
I have a Vista 64 machine too, one I built. It is the I7 low end with quad core with hyperthreading. Let me know how that software does the next time you use it.
Vurb- did you use ClownBD on a Vista 64 bit machine? I tried it and it didn't work for me. Nice to know you have it working. I should take another look. There are so many applications to select from so I'm just experimenting with them all ( free trials that is) for now.
Vurb- did you use ClownBD on a Vista 64 bit machine? I tried it and it didn't work for me. Nice to know you have it working. I should take another look. There are so many applications to select from so I'm just experimenting with them all ( free trials that is) for now.
Yes currently using vista64. Did you update your java? ClownBD is up to version .72. If you use it you really have to read the forum at slysoft..
Thanks guys. I'll definitely take a second look at the ClownBD. I checked and I have an older version.
It changes every few days it seems but that is a good sign. be advised though that in the configuration INI file you have to change "eac3toAExtras=-keepDialnorm" inorder for TrueHD audiotracks to play at reasonable levels. If you do not then you have to turn the volume WAYYY up just for those.
You sure can spend a lot of time converting to from different formats and etc. Im just not into it. Life's too short. I want fast, quick and cheap.
Looking at one of the slim PS3's for streaming AVC's so I don't have to burn to disc...

My brother has sent me output from his HD camcoder and the PS3 has been able to play it just fine over the internet from my PC. I use the free Java PS3 media server. I run it as a service on my PC.
I think you meant you watch it streaming over your LAN. The media servers I'm familiar with can compress the files down to properly send the frame rate at LAN speeds. Works for me with windows media and h264 for both xbox360 and PS3 but the content is compressed to about 1mbps. (CBR) Looks like a fair quality DVD played locally. ie 480p quality. It is NOT original HD PQ as I get if I burn a BluRay from my HDCAM and then play it locally on the PS3. .
I think you meant you watch it streaming over your LAN. The media servers I'm familiar with can compress the files down to properly send the frame rate at LAN speeds. Works for me with windows media and h264 for both xbox360 and PS3 but the content is compressed to about 1mbps. (CBR) Looks like a fair quality DVD played locally. ie 480p quality. It is NOT original HD PQ as I get if I burn a BluRay from my HDCAM and then play it locally on the PS3. .

Don't underestimate the power of the Dark Side, er I mean the PS3. With a gigabit lan connection I have no problem streaming over the original files. I just checked for sure since you posted this. The Sony HD cam output (.m2ts format) goes to the PS3 at the full bitrate without being retranscoded. The PS3 reports 15+Mbit/sec on the video.

The PS3 media server does have the option of transcoding if you like to limit bandwidth for WiFi, but will send the full uncompressed files to the PS3 by default.

Simple streaming of formats PS3 natively supports: MP3/JPG/PNG/GIF/TIFF, all kind of videos (AVI, MP4, TS, M2TS, MPEG)
I'll have to give it a try with my HDR SR12. I'll connect the SR12 to the PS3 to see if it can get the files from the SR12 Hard drive to the PS3 hard drive. Then try to play them from the PS3 drive, since I don't have a gigabit ethernet What I was questioning is your claim to be streaming the files "over the internet"

As for the transfer of HDR SR12 files to the PS3, I have only a wired LAN ethernet here which is, I believe 100kbps.

Draytek Routers

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