When Phillips first introduced the +R recorders Sony announced that it's computers would all come standard with a +R only DVD recorder. It was a big mistake since it killed their sales on Vaio computers. Later they released a new line of Vaio computers with combo +R/ -R recorders and sales returned to normal.
Vurbano- Agreed 100% on your comment about Apple. I paid the same price for my Mac Book Pro as the Dell but I got twice the machine ( features, speed, and capacity) as the Mac. The only reason I bought the Mac is to load it with Final Cut Pro to have a system for that video editor to be able to work with FCP editors to expand my capability. As it turned out, most of the numbers of FCP editors had no talent and few really new the FCP program as well. I discovered first hand how overrated the Mac hardware and the Mac heads as well as Final Cut was. The only people who think FCP is great are those who have never worked in another editing environment.
However, there is much to be said for the OS X OS. Yes it is different and seems awkward at first but fast and clean it is and for that reason it has great appeal to many who just want to use and not tinker. If you want to tinker, you have to be in the big leagues as a computer hacker. Macs are not easy in that respect.
Vurbano- Agreed 100% on your comment about Apple. I paid the same price for my Mac Book Pro as the Dell but I got twice the machine ( features, speed, and capacity) as the Mac. The only reason I bought the Mac is to load it with Final Cut Pro to have a system for that video editor to be able to work with FCP editors to expand my capability. As it turned out, most of the numbers of FCP editors had no talent and few really new the FCP program as well. I discovered first hand how overrated the Mac hardware and the Mac heads as well as Final Cut was. The only people who think FCP is great are those who have never worked in another editing environment.
However, there is much to be said for the OS X OS. Yes it is different and seems awkward at first but fast and clean it is and for that reason it has great appeal to many who just want to use and not tinker. If you want to tinker, you have to be in the big leagues as a computer hacker. Macs are not easy in that respect.