Blockbuster Online - anyone have it?

I have had Blockbuster online for a couple years now. The prices have gone up a couple bucks earlier this year, but I love the service. I currently have 2 at a time with 3 in-store exchanges per month. I get mainly all Blu-rays and there is no extra cost to get the, or getting them at the store. I was told that if you want more exchanges a month than your limit that its an additional $1.99 a month, but I am not sure if thats for both DVD and Blu-ray or what.
I'm fortunate to have the legacy deal from BB.

1) Cost=19.45/month
2) 3 movies at a time/swap at the store for 3 and recieve the next in my queue (w/ no limits)
3) Coupon for two free games or movies each month

The trick...I find old TV shows I want to watch. I sub to the entire series, so I'm always getting something in the mail. I turn those in whenever I want a movie or two or three. I can always request them again if I need to. So, in essence, I've got TV shows I can watch from the past (I have NCIS season 1 right now) and can exchange those for anything in the store. I don't concern myself with what's coming from the queue, just what's in the store.

At 4 bucks a movie, it more than pays for itself after 5 in-store rentals per month.
i dont just still kind of iffy on which companyb i want to use but i hate having to drive to the rental place just to drop them off because i always forget :cool:
I'm fortunate to have the legacy deal from BB.

1) Cost=19.45/month
2) 3 movies at a time/swap at the store for 3 and recieve the next in my queue (w/ no limits)
3) Coupon for two free games or movies each month

So the legacy part is what? The game coupons?

This is basically the same deal I have now (+.54) but I get no game coupons:

* $19.99 / month (plus taxes)
3 at-a-time, Unlimited mailings
5 in-store movie exchanges/month
I do $15.99/mo. w/ 3 out at a time.

It's $1 cheaper than Netflix. However, I'm starting to notice a disturbing trend of Very Long Waits for new release Blu-Rays. Netflix was the same way with HD DVD's last year. That's the only reason I *BOUGHT* Blood Diamond at $25. (It's $10 at Fry's now.) I won't go out like that now. I will wait and wait and wait.