Block Buster vs Netflix

I'd expect them to stream whatever they stream to the PC, as that's what they've accomplished with the 360 (this includes HD). Just hopeful they expand on the queue management a little more, as that's the most lacking part of the 360 implementation.
I'd expect them to stream whatever they stream to the PC, as that's what they've accomplished with the 360 (this includes HD). Just hopeful they expand on the queue management a little more, as that's the most lacking part of the 360 implementation.

Netflix doesn't stream HD via PC, though I'm pretty sure they do to every other external Netflix capable device, including certain blu-ray players, TiVo HD, 360, and of course Roku. They don't yet, however, offer any streams in 5.1 to any device. I assume the PS3 will work like these other external devices rather than like PlayOn, which only provides a PC stream over your home network.
Here's the official word on HD streaming through the PS3 courtesy of G4TV:
More Netflix On PlayStation 3 Details: HD Streaming, Eventually No Disc Required -

Netflix coming to PlayStation 3 next month is good news for PlayStation 3 owners (and Xbox 360 users whose primary reason for a Gold membership has been easy Netflix streaming access). But several questions about Netflix coming to Sony's platform weren't answered in the announcement release. Is there HD streaming? Why do I need a disc to access it?

I spoke with Netflix's VP of corporate communications Steve Swasey on the phone this morning to clarify these points and others. Again, good news: you should be happy with these answers, too.

Yes, Netflix on PlayStation 3 supports HD streaming. The entire Netflix streaming catalogue -- HD or not -- that's currently available on the PC, via Netflix-supporting TVs and, yes, through Xbox 360 will be available for PlayStation 3 users on day one. Swasey admitted Netflix's streaming catalogue isn't nearly as vast as its disc catalog, but said it's something they're actively expanding every day.

At the outset, in order to access Netflix on your PlayStation 3, you'll need to pop in a disc. The disc is free and yours to keep. All you need to do is ask for one and keep it nearby when you want to access Netflix streaming. That's not permanent. Swasey confirmed Netflix will have an "embedded solution" (i.e. a proper application, ala Xbox 360) "at some point," but couldn't say when.

Swasey wouldn't comment on speculation that it's a disc-based solution at the moment to get around whatever exclusivity contract the company currently has with Microsoft. Regardless, PlayStation 3 users will eventually have a more elegant way to access Netflix that doesn't require a disc, but according to Swasey, this was the "fastest and easiest way to get PlayStation 3 members now."

Netflix has not announced a specific date for when it will start shipping the Netflix-enabling Blu-ray discs for PlayStation 3 owners, but it's happening sometime in November. If you want to be at the top of the list, I recommend linking your account right now.
'but couldn't say when' .... in another interview (or maybe the same one?) he says 'late next year'. Netflix: PS3 disc must remain in system until 2010 update; and other answers to your pressing questions It's like a robot answered these questions, some of them look outright dodged.

Think I'll be sticking to watching this on our 360 if we've got to get up and put a disc in the PS3 to use it. That isn't so bad, a Blu-Ray is in there more often than games so not getting a ton of use, just seems so unnecessary.
I'm getting fed up with both services right now. BB hasn't shipped anything in a week and there are titles in my q that are available. A bunch that are on long or very long wait. Getting as bad as NF.

I'm getting fed up with both services right now. BB hasn't shipped anything in a week and there are titles in my q that are available. A bunch that are on long or very long wait. Getting as bad as NF.


I actually had to go back to Nflix last week. Out of the blue, BB started doing the same thing to me. Getting in a movie on Tues (or two), and letting it sit till Fri before shipping ANYTHING out.

Once, they shipped a movie to me and did not notify me or put it in my queue as shipped :mad:
I'm trying this out right now. Works as advertised. Interface is identical to the Roku except you now have some browsing tabs (recently watched, new arrivals, drama, comedy, romance, more niche genres, movies you'll love, etc. ) to add to your queue. Also streams at 2.5-5.5 Mbps for HD and 1.5-2.9 for SD, which exceeds Roku's max bitrates (1.5 for SD; 3.8 for HD).
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Does anyone still go into BB stores here? My local store changed their late fee policy. You now get the movie for 5 days and its $.99 for every day its late. No Grace period. I'm wondering if this is a new company policy or if my store has opted out of "No late fees."

BBO users: Have you noticed horrible service over the past few months? I'm on a 3-out at a time plan. Usually they only ship two movies....occasionally they'll ship 5. They're shipping series out of order and sometimes I'm waiting up to 4 days for a movie to ship. I've been with BBO since the beginning and I'm not a particularly heavy-user. Anybody else having problems?
Does anyone still go into BB stores here? My local store changed their late fee policy. You now get the movie for 5 days and its $.99 for every day its late. No Grace period. I'm wondering if this is a new company policy or if my store has opted out of "No late fees."

You talking about the South Euclid store? I noticed this too, but only by reading the receipt ticket provided with the disc, otherwise I wouldn't have known. For BBO users though, if you use a mailer to trade-in for a rental in store, the online terms override this and there's an unlimited due date.

BBO users: Have you noticed horrible service over the past few months? I'm on a 3-out at a time plan. Usually they only ship two movies....occasionally they'll ship 5. They're shipping series out of order and sometimes I'm waiting up to 4 days for a movie to ship. I've been with BBO since the beginning and I'm not a particularly heavy-user. Anybody else having problems?

I've experienced all of this. They seem like a very unorganized company.
You talking about the South Euclid store? I noticed this too, but only by reading the receipt ticket provided with the disc, otherwise I wouldn't have known. For BBO users though, if you use a mailer to trade-in for a rental in store, the online terms override this and there's an unlimited due date.

I've experienced all of this. They seem like a very unorganized company.

Yep. The South Euclid store. To their credit, they warned me. I was using a free instore rental coupon so I was eligible for late fees.

I really don't think the company is going to be around too much longer. If it goes under, I'll miss it.....I like going in for new releases.
Yep. The South Euclid store. To their credit, they warned me. I was using a free instore rental coupon so I was eligible for late fees.

I really don't think the company is going to be around too much longer. If it goes under, I'll miss it.....I like going in for new releases.

Yeah. The only thing keeping me there is for in-store exchanges to guarantee a new release rental.
i am a BBO member from day one and have had rock sold services up until this last month.

Movies returned to the store never cleared my queue.
New moves were not sent because of it
When the moves finally were sent they sent two of the same thing and 4 others.

Something happen in the past month that screwed up a very good thing. It sounds like a CRM system malfunction of some kind but who knows.
I've had a lot of problems the last month, also. Inconsistant processing, shipping, etc. I'll probably be dropping them.

A few weeks ago, I received an email from Blockbuster, granting me FREE-UNLIMITED in-store exchanges through March! Has anyone else received this awesome notice? I think it works out perfectly as a lot of the Oscar worthy movies are due out soon.

I currently have the 2 at a time plan with 3 in-store exchanges per month.
A few weeks ago, I received an email from Blockbuster, granting me FREE-UNLIMITED in-store exchanges through March! Has anyone else received this awesome notice? I think it works out perfectly as a lot of the Oscar worthy movies are due out soon.

I currently have the 2 at a time plan with 3 in-store exchanges per month.
I'm one of the lucky few who was grandfathered into a plan that includes unlimited exchanges. It is really nice to have for new releases. I wish the South Euclid store would start stocking more copies of Blu-Rays. The last couple times I went the movie I wanted was OOS on BD.

How I'm getting some blu ray disc for free

netflix 30 day delay
