Block Buster vs Netflix

WOW!!! dont think i will be playing the lottery anytime soon. i know its not my player,(ps3). my movies play fine. thanks for the responses

BTW are the disc u guys renting blu - ray?? all mine are, dont see how that would matter but.........

95% of them are blu ray, yes. And my one defective disc was actually a SD DVD. It was cracked.
BB will be closing up to 960 stores by the end of the year. They are looking at setting up Kiosks's similar to Red Box and continuing Online.

Here's a link to an article about the BB store closings:

Blockbuster to close up to 960 stores by end of 2010 - Yahoo! News

I have a sinking feel that they're going to close all their stores......

Surely all the closings of the biggest movie rental chain can't be a good thing for movie lovers and movies in general. Are we starting to see the demise of physical media rental? Not everyone will subscribe to a mailer service to see a movie (my parents for example). If you don't go to the theater to see a movie, how will the casual viewer be able to see a movie at whim?

Or will we start to see the Mom and Pop Video rental stores start to pop up again?
Surely all the closings of the biggest movie rental chain can't be a good thing for movie lovers and movies in general. Are we starting to see the demise of physical media rental? Not everyone will subscribe to a mailer service to see a movie (my parents for example). If you don't go to the theater to see a movie, how will the casual viewer be able to see a movie at whim?

Or will we start to see the Mom and Pop Video rental stores start to pop up again?
I hate seeing all the movie rental chains closing, but I don't see anyway around it. :( There is just too much overhead with all those physical locations. The casual viewer will have to use Redbox or a Blockbuster kiosk in the near future....Long term, I bet we'll see a switch to all rentals being downloaded/streamed.
I hate seeing all the movie rental chains closing, but I don't see anyway around it. :( There is just too much overhead with all those physical locations. The casual viewer will have to use Redbox or a Blockbuster kiosk in the near future....Long term, I bet we'll see a switch to all rentals being downloaded/streamed.

There will be A LOT of great older movies and indie flicks that will never get the attention they deserve if this happens. :(
Has anyone seen more or less Blu-Ray red boxes, they're going up all over the Las Vegas valley in front of 7-11 stores. I have yet to see a Blu-Ray redbox (and ive yet to actually rent anything from them either, but still)
Has anyone seen more or less Blu-Ray red boxes, they're going up all over the Las Vegas valley in front of 7-11 stores. I have yet to see a Blu-Ray redbox (and ive yet to actually rent anything from them either, but still)

Haven't seen any in my area, either.

I have never even heard of Red Box much less seen one.

All my Netflix rentals are SD. I'm interested in vintage shows and films and they're not available on Blu-Ray.
Well, since Blockbusters are shutting down left and right around here, I suddenly remembered that our local library rents DVD's.... FOR FREE!!!!

The wife just picked up the following:

Mad Men Season 2
The Counterfeiters
Death at a Funeral
The Lives of Others
Related article on /Film....

Video stores of every kind have faced serious difficulty over the past few years as Netflix has become the de facto movie rental outlet. The Blockbuster chain has been closing stores at a steady clip, and is likely to continue doing so for the next few years. But a new regulatory filing released this week suggests the end of the chain's existence as a big brick and mortar outlet could come sooner, rather than later.

Blockbuster May Close 20% of Locations; Is the Chain's Future Kiosk-Only? | /Film
Although the BB in our town closed there is one over in the next town. As I was driving through there anyway the other day I stopped in to see what might be available in Blu-Ray. I came away wondering "Why did they bother?" By my count there were less than 40 (counting multiples of the same movie) Blu-Rays available. And, although there were literally thousands of DVD's available, there were very few classic or vintage films for sale and none for rent. In addition their retail pricing is out of line. Why would anyone buy a new DVD from BB at retail when the Wal-Mart next door discounts them? And why buy a used DVD from BB for $14.95 when Wal-Mart is selling a new one for $19.95? In my opinion they're in trouble because they failed to keep up with their market and competition.
I don't care if they do kiosks personally IF they keep the exchange option of scanning the return envelope at the kiosk.

Personally, I would be surprised if the BB down the road from me gets closed. It's always got at least 10 cars in the parking lot, oodles (yes oodles) of blu-ray. Easily over 150 titles, at least 1 copy of catalog and 4 or 5 of new releases on the BD format.

Oddly this blockbuster is now also selling books about just about anything. Not alot, but what I see is cooking, home and garden, PC/electronics books. They also have the instore electronics sectoin selling PS3 and blu-ray players and now netbooks.

How I'm getting some blu ray disc for free

netflix 30 day delay
