Black dishes

I had a box of black dishes, now I've only been getting the old gray ones. I like the black. About time. Gray is blah. they do need the "kit" parts to be black to match though.
Heat may be a problem if the lnb's start coming black. In parts of the country where the summer day time temp. reaches 110+ degrees for weeks at a time, a black lnb, mounted on a roof could burn out because it can't shed the heat build up.
Heat may be a problem if the lnb's start coming black. In parts of the country where the summer day time temp. reaches 110+ degrees for weeks at a time, a black lnb, mounted on a roof could burn out because it can't shed the heat build up.
I have been really knit picky about the color and temperature differential. I don't know the expected average working life span of lnb's. Lets just say it is six years and the darker color cuts that by three months. Who will notice or even care? One thing, the Dish HD logo really stands out against that dark background. Advertising. Do I really want more people to notice what is in my house?
Don't get me wrong, I am for the most part a happy long time sub...;)
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I like the look, perhaps it will help melt snow quicker? Just not sure how it will look mounted on the side of a house.
Since I've started reading this forum (probably a year or more now) I've been watching houses as we travel to see what type of Dish is installed, and with most being gray it's hard to really tell at times if it's DishNetwork, DirecTV, or even a plain ol' FTA dish. I can see this being mainly due to marketing to make people notice the DishNetwork equipment on houses more, even if it clashes which will make it stand out even more and get noticed.

For us our Dish is mounted in the back and not really visible from the street, but that was partly because I was there during installation and requested that it be mounted there. Most of the houses in our area though have the dish mounted right on the front or side which makes it stick out like crazy... so for those I can see the blue dish really turning some heads.
Most mesh C-Band dishes were always painted black. I had a channel master 10' and it was black, later a SAMI it was black too. SAMI is still making dishes and they are black.
In Mexico they have red Dish network reflectors (standard color down there, I have yet to see a grey dish network reflector). Also they don't use the dpp twin lnb, they use a dp single...odd all together because I thought Dish Network was not allowed down there due to fcc or mexican fcc laws. I want to see a black reflector painted by radar absorbing paint (like the ones on the stealth fighters):D
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16 more today.:D:D
I am worried about radiated heat focused on the lnb and causing damage in our 100+ degree summer sun.
Interesting concept. The only heat focused on the LNB by the dish will be when the sun goes behind the specific satellite the dish is pointed at. Otherwise, heat being radiated from the dish is radiated isotropically and with random phase. So... The LNB would get no more heating than it would from a rough flat surface of the same diameter and distance. This is not insignificant, but it's not focused either.
I do not like the big red HD logo. That's Like saying "Hey MR Thief, if you are interested I have at least one new HD TV inside come by sometime when I am not home"
I think the black dishes look neat but as everyone else states there may be heat concerns. Also, I prefer to have my dishes very well hidden so I wouldn't even notice the dish.

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