Big Ten Network

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Pay BTN 5 cents per subscriber and nothing higher. The general populace doesn't want it. Don't make people pay for something they don't want. The BTN negotiators should be wearing masks at the bargaining table the way they are trying to hold Dish and the cable systems up! If BTN agrees to have it as a multi-sports Pak channel, and people can elect coverage, then FINE! Otherwise, go pound sand!


I hope they get the BTN. I will pay for your $.05.:p
This is the exact thought I had as I read this post. I think some, including myself, get frustrated by not getting some things on Dish Network that many of us really want. The answer is not always to change to Direct TV. I personally love this service and have been with them for seven years. I love the 622 and would hate to give it up. Having certain others make snide comments about our frustration does not help.

people need to just remember that E* is not the last thing on earth. I voted with my wallet!
How does someone voting with their wallet end up with D*? Last I looked D* cost more. Especially the up front costs for HD-DVR.

By giving the vendor that supplied the product you want with your dollars, and not giving them to a vendor that doesn't. That doesn't mean that the vendor is the cheapest, just that you use whomever supplies your needs.
By giving the vendor that supplied the product you want with your dollars, and not giving them to a vendor that doesn't. That doesn't mean that the vendor is the cheapest, just that you use whomever supplies your needs.

You do have a good point, but usually "voting with your wallet" implies less money out of your wallet.
Almost every business venture attempts to maximize revenue. If the BTN didn't have any leverage on DBS & Cable companies, due to customer interest, then an attempt to force their way into the basic cable lineup would be laughed at.

However if they do have leverage and are able to use it to pressure providers into meeting their demands, then they are using the right tactics. It would be sheer stupidity for them to take tens of millions of dollars less than what they could make.

They are not "forcing" themselves on anyone. They are simply asking a price and it looks like a lot of people/providers are willing to pay it.

Look at what ESPN demands and gets away with. $3/mon per sub, inclusion on basic tier, and they keep the advertising revenues.
I think a comparison with ESPN is out of context. ESPN is what it is..The network is a Sports programming staple. No Satco or cable co would dare exclude it.. To compare a network that's in nearly 100 million home to a niche channel that currently is zero homes is silly.
The bottom line is BTN is a niche channel. It should be available to only those who want it. Good luck to those who desire the service..90% of the country isn't intersted.
BTN really doesn't have much leverage to be trying to get such a huge deal for themselves. Dish serves the entire country, and going by that logic, the majority of the country follows college teams that are NOT in the Big 10. Not to mention the fact that BTN is not carrying a huge amount of Big 10 football games, which eliminates even more leverage. I live in Ohio State Buckeye country and while folks here would like to have the channel, they're not dying for it. Fans here are RAVID about their Buckeyes, but the outcry for this channel is not so loud. What does that say?! How much leverage do they think they have??? Until BTN gets a HECK of a lot more realistic about their demands, I say the heck with them.
FWIW, I heard Illinois athletic director, Ron Guenther, interviewed on the radio this afternoon. He didn't sound very confident about working a deal for BTN with Comcast, the cable supplier to Chicago and much of downstate Illinois, but he indicated that he is confident they'll sign a deal with DISH.
Here is an article from the cover of yesterday's free weekly here in Columbus. While that may not sound like much it's the 2nd biggest paper in town with a circulation of just over 50k. There is no mention of Dish.

The Other Paper
You know, isn't it odd how much the B10N people are "campaigning" to get their network carried ?? Part of me thinks "worried" or "desperation" on their part if they don't get enough providers on board.
You know, isn't it odd how much the B10N people are "campaigning" to get their network carried ?? Part of me thinks "worried" or "desperation" on their part if they don't get enough providers on board.

Isnt that what any good businessman does when starting a business? build interest in your product. create a buzz, create demand. No matter what you have in a startup type business you campaign, canvas, advertise non stop.
Ummm, the Big 10 Network already exists.... They should have worked out deals with the cable companies and satellite providers, at least the major ones, before starting.
AT&T's U-Verse isn't available in too many places.

DirecTV is owned 39% by FOX. FOX partially owns the Big 10 Network.

As for the "over 70" cable companies, name (10) of them. No looking them up either... :D
Ummm, the Big 10 Network already exists.... They should have worked out deals with the cable companies and satellite providers, at least the major ones, before starting.

Maybe we are using different meanings of "exist" but BTN isn't live yet. It debuts August 30th.
I know I'm going to get bashed in the skull for repeating myself, but if BTN doesn't get an agreement with Comcast, NOBODY WILL BE SEEING BTN FOR VERY LONG, not DTV, not small cable cos, NOBODY. They can justify themselves if they are just taking money from one part of News corp and giving it to another. That won't pay the costs to broadcast these games. Not even Mark Silverman is telling people to switch to DTV, because that won't help his cause AT ALL. BTN is toast. It doesn't matter whether 95% of people in the Midwest are B10 diehards, WHICH THEY AREN'T. Without a contract from Comcast, BTN is TOAST. You can switch to DTV all you want.
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