OK, then I'll just move that receiver up to my RV until contract expires....I guess there is more then one way to skin a FAT CAT (Charlie)
OK, then I'll just move that receiver up to my RV until contract expires....I guess there is more then one way to skin a FAT CAT (Charlie)
FYI, I send one email per day to D* asking when BTN is going to be available. I suggest everyone do the same until we a press release.
The general populace doesn't want it.
You're first number could be correct, but no way are 25% of Dish subs in the Big Ten area "die hards" that will switch to DirecTV just for 2nd and 3rd tier games on this channel. I'd say that 5% is a more reasonable guess (and I'm sure Charlie and his team have figured out a guess at this as well).
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you don't want BTN that's fine but please speak only for yourself. The "general populace" did not elect you to speak for them.
I second that .... I am sick of people making generalizations. Fact is many WILL leave if the channel is not added. Unfortunately some of the damage is already done. I am holding out for an agreement but come later this Fall if no deal ... hello Direct TV.
I am sick of people making generalizations. Fact is many WILL leave if the channel is not added.
Too not be able to watch the BTN on my home TV is unbearable.
Hi fellow posters,
Can we please temper the name calling in this thread? Clearly there are posters who want BTN regardless, others who want it only under certain conditions, and those who do not want it, period. We have seen each of these positions repeated, over and over again (which I think is a large part of what is driving the incivilities). At this point, let's try to keep this thread to where we provide information or reports about what is happening regarding the BTN and E*. I'm not trying to advocate censorship, but the cat fighting is getting old and it really isn't adding much to this thread. Thanks in advance.
So sharing your feelings on leaving if B10 is not added, is not part of this thread? I think if people are going to leave they should have the right to say it.
and i DON't think they should have to be put up with some of the snippy grammar corrections & name calling that has been going on.