Just for some clarification (yes, I work for Voom - and NOT the call center - corporate, in Long Island)...
http://www.voom.com is hosted on CableVision's servers and technically is OWNED by CableVision - So if Jim Dolan gives the order to have it shut down, there's nothing much we can do.
http://www.newvoom.com and
http://www.voomllc.com are VALID Voom websites (c'mon... I sit right next to one of the guys working on it)!
Voom HD, LLC is the new 'venture' name for Voom (if and when Charles and Tom finalize buying it! Wishin' and hopin' and prayin'...) instead of it's current operating name, Rainbow DBS.
Done now. Going home... Gotta' long ride... G'night.