I'll take that bet and raise you!bigmarkhd said:anyone wanan take bets that within 5 days we will see in big red writing"VOOM IS ALIVE!!!"
John Kotches said:As someone who's managed a few high volume web sites in the past, it aggravates me to see someone title a thread saying "The VOOM Web Site is DOWN!!!".
The Voom web site isn't down. The Voom web site is functioning perfectly, and serving up exactly the content that they want served up.
That you don't like the content is another story.
The bills I receive have a return envelope, an address where to send payment, and a stub to send with payment. I suspect most of us assume the check should be made out to Voom.bryan27 said:Their paper bills are junk, there is no return envelope, there is no stated address where to send payment, there is no stub to include payment, and they don't tell you who to make the payment out to if paying by check.
John, I hate to burst your bubble, but you may be the ONLY person to misinterpret DOWN (as used in this context) to mean something other than, Voom shutting down their Web Site, as is clearly the case.John Kotches said:As someone who's managed a few high volume web sites in the past, it aggravates me to see someone title a thread saying "The VOOM Web Site is DOWN!!!".
The Voom web site isn't down. The Voom web site is functioning perfectly, and serving up exactly the content that they want served up. That you don't like the content is another story.
The truth is often not what we want to hear. But the website is up, and has not been hijacked.
I called in shortly after I heard word of the shutdown. The CSR tried her best to read the prepared text, but she could barely fight back the tears. The CSRs on the VOOM project have been nothing less than cordial and professional; stellar performers. Although our viewing habits will be affected, it is certainly nothing like the impact being felt by those who may be losing their jobs. Good luck and god bless all the wonderful people associated with this project.timetrax112 said:So I am (was) a manager (OTL) in the inbound sales department. Honestly it caught me by suprise since we hadn't heard anything about the project shutting down in almost a month. Luckily I guess I don't work directly for VOOM but rather for West Buisness Services and we have other clients.
As a side note I can confirm what Spahose said in another thread... it's a sad day for me the time that I spent working for VOOM was great, the project was interesting and it was inboundwhich is always a bonus. Well monday I find out what project I will be going to and whether or not I will retain my OTL status (Operation Team Leader, big title that means floor manager, heh).
So heres wishing all the people I signed up good luck, and hopefully something better (or at least as good) will be just around the corner.
VOOM "no longer" Home of the HD Evolution...
John, I hate to burst your bubble, but you may be the ONLY person to misinterpret DOWN (as used in this context) to mean something other than, Voom shutting down their Web Site, as is clearly the case.
The site, as we knew it, has ceased to exist and for all intents and purposes IS down. Taken down, not crashed or hijacked as you point out, but DOWN nonetheless.
If I had posted that comment on some Tech Forum, or were discussing the technical aspects of the Servers that were hosting the Voom Site, then perhaps you'd be justified in being aggravated. But this is NOT a technical discussion, so I have no idea why you are focusing on the interpretation of the word DOWN, as applied to Networks or Servers, especially in light of everything that has happened?John Kotches said:My "interpretation" has the added bonus of being entirely correct from a factual standpoint. No matter how deep you want to go, Voom's site is up and serving content.
The content you want to see is no longer being served up, but that's a matter for the webmaster and the content providers.
Does it make the situation suck any less? Nope, but I'm sticking up for the IT guys whose job it is to keep the servers up and running. When you say the Voom Web site is down, you're saying they aren't doing their job. Clearly, they are.
justalurker, Sorry, I meant no disrespect.justalurker said:voom4me,
Chill out dude. There is no reason to increase your font size and yell.