Big Brother 7

wow that was messed up..24 hour solitary confinement for Dani and Janelle ended up winning the veto.. while most of everyone else makes off with a margarita party and cash and prizes.

ofcourse Chill Town has no intrest in keeping any of these alliances.. they got janelle thinking they are in with them.. and dani and james thinking they are in a seperate one with them. but they wont honnor anything. I will admit their diary room togeather made me laugh.
Not that I really care, but anyone notice that the question that Janelle was eliminated from HOH that Mike Boogie didn't answer and they didn't eliminate him - they went for Janelle since she was showing the wrong answer.
well.. I will tell you with the bogie mishap.. and howie argued that he "hit it" (the buzzer).. they decided to redo the HoH competition. But I wont tell you who won it... if you do want to know.(and want to read up on updates and things).. go to

Kayser being knocked out of the game.. obviously was a huge threat... and huge threats don't win in this game.

that Coup D'Etat twist.. .. I wonder how that's all going to shake out
SatelliteGAL said:
Awww poor guy. His only chance to have the hoh room and it will be short lived. I wonder why he put up the two he did.

I am going to guess he put up erika because she gunned for him in a couple competitions.

james.. I dunno.. could be be in cahoots with Janelle and Howie? He didn't get much time to think it though at all.

the quick nominations does suck.. especially when the guy who won it is on slop.. he doesn't get a full week of food.. just a few days.

If james is still up after the veto.. I wonder if Boogie will save him by using his coup d'tat? he could use it and stick howie and janelle up
james won power of veto and took himself off and george put up howie for eviction.
Sorry but many of us have live 24/7 feed so there is not much that is not known before any of the televised shows
Maineiac said:
Sorry but many of us have live 24/7 feed so there is not much that is not known before any of the televised shows

Use the spoiler tag so those that want to see it can and those that dont will not read it. We try not to divulge too much here so folks can see it when the want.

The Who tomorrow night on Letterman and Bob Seger on Leno

Survivor on CBS -- HD?... NO

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