Big Brother 7

Danielle just has a big mouth and to me is/was just irritating.
What is with Howie following Will around like a puppy dog? That is really strange.
Poor chicken George is more out of his element this time because the show has evolved so much since the first season.
Kaysar thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else....but in fact the guy is a tool. He was duped last year with a wink and a tear and ended up on his way out.

As for Hurricane Howie the guy is entertaining as hell...but dumb as a door knob.

AS for Janelles ass ...well I love her. Shes hot and she competes hard. She plays the dumb broad very well but shes sharper than ya think.

Damn do I have a lot of opinions
ok I am going to have to catch the show off the website. I forgot to record it and someone parked in front of the big tv to watch a law and order rerun on tnt. Honestly he must have the dialogue memorized by now.
Im very confused about everyones strategy. Are they trying to make it look like they are playing nice or what.
I didnt like Will or Howie the first time around and I dont like them now. I didnt like Jase the first time around but he doesnt bother me this time.
If Chicken George goes who will take care of the house!

The Who tomorrow night on Letterman and Bob Seger on Leno

Survivor on CBS -- HD?... NO

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