***** Big Big Changes for HD Cinema*****ALL MOVIES in OAR all the time

Great News!!!!!!!!!!

Just got back from a road trip to Phoenix and just learned of the OAR decision. Great to know that VOOM actually listens to us.
Where is the list of movies available for the VOOM cinemas. I keep seeing people refer to a movie being on the list available, but I have not seen this list.
Oh man!!! First DVR, and now OAR!! 2 of the main reasons I cancelled! Oh well, should have been more patient I guess :).
Now that VOOM has fixed the OAR on the Cinema 10 channels I wish they would tell TNT fix their OAR on the TNT-HD channel. I would rather see old Law and Order shows in their original 4x3 than watch them all stretched out. I've gone to switching to the SD TNT or finding another HD channel when TNT stretches.
FrankJo said:
The Kung Fu channel was my idea! Where's my check?
You get something better than a check: Your channel!!! ;)
Man, I just have to say this new Cinema 10 channel lineup is awesome. They must have really listened to their customers (unlike George Lucas). I'll wait to see what their deal is like when the DVR comes out and the probably re-subscribe to VOOM.
here's what Lucas said in an interview:

In an interview with Biskind, Lucas defends the choices he's made: "Why is the public so stupid? That's not my fault. I just understood what people liked to go see, and Steven [Spielberg] has too, and we go for that."


Of course judging by SW Ep1&2, either people aren't that stupid, or even stupoider than he thinks, b/c ep 1 is a disappointment and ep2 is just plain embarrassing.
Ep2 was a little better but child's play compared to the originals, Lucas's ego is in the way of these prequels, Ep3 will be just as bad. All CGI and horrendous directing.
Crop vs OAR

I know that this has been shown before but here is one example from the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I love this movie and I have the DVD and I compared the OAR DVD against the HD film on HD Cinema

OAR vs Crop You need to be kidding if you are going to argue against OAR. I have included this scene. It is in the first 10 seconds of the movie. You can see that in the crop HD Film you are missing part of the left and right of the OAR DVD. Not only that but in this scene there is a dog that will immediately appears in the OAR DVD but on the Crop HD Film it does not appear until much later. This is only the openning scene but you could find various parts of the movie where the action is cut off and you do not know until they appear later on.

Method used: I recorded the HD Film to my HS2 DVD through composite (downsize to 480p). I compared the same DVD at 480p.

PQ of HD Film vs DVD at 480p This one I have to laugh because I watched this movie on HD Cinema and then compared to the DVD at 480p. If you think the HD film had bad parts and it looked bad, take a look a the DVD and compare. DVD was fuzzy and showed a lot less details. HD transfer won this one without any doubt. Now I would rather see it OAR HD.


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The worst thing that cropping does isn't that you lose part of the picture, but that the framing is off and the movie doesn't have the same feeling of space and scope. I think you can see it in Sean's example.
barth2k I couldn't agree with you more. When one's watch a movie in OAR, you really feel like you are in a theater.
:shocked Kung Fu channel? I'm in heaven, now all they need to do is add an Anime channel for a nerd like me and my head would explode...

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