***** Big Big Changes for HD Cinema*****ALL MOVIES in OAR all the time

This DVD rental place in Altamonte Springs, north of Orlando had nice pictures and comparisons between OAR and NON-OAR compare to 4:3 and 16x9 in the store they had an HDTV with DD5.1, it was a simple setup but you could stand in the middle and appreciate it. They would always try to put on the 1.78 or 1.88 videos up, sometimes they would put up more popular stuff thats in 2.35:1... it was the only store I've ever been in that had so many signs and pictures up of HT setups, and all the jargon and what it means... I always wondered why more stores didn't do this, especially your Best Buys/CC they have the most to gain by an educated public.

While they have HDTVs on sale, they should put them next to a standard TV so that consumers can see the difference. They should also run OAR VS NON-OAR demo reels so they can see the difference on a widescreen. It's only to their benefit if Joe Blow decides it's time not to replace his blown up 36" standard TV with the same thing, or take that money and spend it on a widescreen.
AMC used to run a 16:9 vs 4:3 demo to educate users as to why they would show a movie with black bars. I think the government should mandate this type of programming to be run as a public service announcement as part of the digital switchover.
Scott Greczkowski said:
That is my hope. :)

Remember when they announced SpikeTV? Television for men? What happened to that? My wife watches SpikeTV more then I do, she loves CSI.

My dad has told me that he likes Lifetime (television for women) much more than Spike. ;)
DarrellP said:
AMC used to run a 16:9 vs 4:3 demo to educate users as to why they would show a movie with black bars. I think the government should mandate this type of programming to be run as a public service announcement as part of the digital switchover.

I think that would help tons... also some PSA about HD vs DTV vs Analog.
vurbano said:
Go to best buy this weekend and ask the customers if they know what a DVR is? Or if they want black bars on the top or bottom of their screen? Polling Voom HD subs on a forum like this about what they prefer and assuming that that is what the market would prefer makes no sense. How many people on your block have 3 HD sets or a 9.16 ft screen?

None.. of couse, noone else has a TV either.. come to think of it, noone else has a house on my block, I'm the only one. :)
If you say "what's a DVR" they won't know (most people) is you say "what's a Tivo" they will tell you.
seandudley said:
None.. of couse, noone else has a TV either.. come to think of it, noone else has a house on my block, I'm the only one. :)
Good one, Sean. Outside of this forum, I only know 2 other people who have a HD set and one of them watches mainly Dish SD on a 65" RPTV :no The other has D* with a 42" Plasma and doesn't even receive our OTA stations. :shocked
vurbano said:
Go to best buy this weekend and ask the customers if they know what a DVR is? Or if they want black bars on the top or bottom of their screen? Polling Voom HD subs on a forum like this about what they prefer and assuming that that is what the market would prefer makes no sense. How many people on your block have 3 HD sets or a 9.16 ft screen?

If you ask a bunch of kids if they want toi brush their teeth, most will probably say no. Now if you ask them if they want to go to the dentist and get holes drilled into their teeth...

I'm not an OAR purists. The cheesy B movies on Monsters probably aren't hurt much by cropping. But cropping Good, Bad, and Ugly or Ran or Lawrence of Arabia is a freaking crime. Here's my proposal for a compromise. Voom can hire me and for a modest fee (say, free VaVaVoom for life), I'll decide which movies they can crop and which should be OAR. I'm sure it's a solution everyone'll be happy with :)
barth2k said:
(say, free VaVaVoom for life), I'll decide which movies they can crop and which should be OAR. I'm sure it's a solution everyone'll be happy with :)

Wait in line I want Voom to hire me to produce several funny clips and excerpts to toss into the intermissions of Kung Fu and Guy HD.
vurbano said:
Just me? They only people that dont have a problem with it are the measly 35,000 that have signed up. And 1/2 of them think it should be changed. FYI Voom needs 1.5 million customers just to break even. Its time to use the bandwidth for something that will bring in subs before its too late. Not rename the channels again with cutesy names.

Thank You, Although at least there is some change we need major change, Moov just ain't cuttin it among others.
Mainstream VOOM

VOOM is already aimed at the minority viewer right now. When my installer installed my system, he asked if I had an HD system and said that it would be a waste of time without it. I have added it to the upstairs tv (SD) and last night watched Smallville in widescreen (my bulb is temporarily out). Thank you VOOM for the black bars and the rest of the picture.

I am looking forward to HDCinema giving me back the rest of those pictures.

The first time I saw a letterbox picture, it was Compulsion with Dean Stockwell and Orson Welles. I found out what I had been missing (the rest of the picture). Everyone should see the comparison that they used to show on AMC (before they ruined the channel with commercials and bad copies of P&S movies so they could get "newer" movies and show us the same thing everyone else does). The C stands for classics(?).

They should add a channel called the Pan and Scan channel for those who only want 40% of the program content. They could cut out 40% of the picture, 40% of the sound and 40% of the artistic intent of great producers and directors.

If you have a 15 inch tv, this service is not for you.
cmercer said:
If you have a 15 inch tv, this service is not for you.
FWIW, in my HT room, I use my old 13" Commodore monitor hooked up to a composite switch box and I monitor 4 different devices while watching my pj and the small letterboxed image does not bother me at all. :D

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