Big 12 could play in Yankee Stadium

Also, for some reason, College Football seems like a more rural thing than an urban experience.

On the rare occasion College Gameday is broadcasting from a bigger city with tall buildings, something just doesn't seem right. Maybe that's my own personal perception of the whole collegiate football experience, but I've always viewed college football as a rural thing.
I would say that the Mountain West is more than a mid-major. They have kept on par with the BCS conferences the past several years, and have some impressive wins against them (Utah-Alabama, Utah-Oklahoma, BYU-Oklahoma).

If anything, the Mountain West should replace the Big East in the BCS. The only reason the Big East was in the original Bowl Alliance anyway was because of Miami.

Ideally though, junk the BCS and go to a 16 team playoff (ala 1-AA, II, III, etc...).

Both you and SamCdbs can call me when 1/2 to 2/3 of the MWC or WAC doesn't stink. Really stink. Would lose to Syracuse stink (then again, ND counts there, too).
Both you and SamCdbs can call me when 1/2 to 2/3 of the MWC or WAC doesn't stink. Really stink. Would lose to Syracuse stink (then again, ND counts there, too).
Still a higher number than the Big East ;)

btw, what happened between UConn & UNC at UConn?
And how many Big East teams are ranked compared to the MWC & ACC?
OK, so what division of the ACC is dropping to I-AA, as you keep losing to them (and almost losing, in case of FSU). :)
Both you and SamCdbs can call me when 1/2 to 2/3 of the MWC or WAC doesn't stink. Really stink. Would lose to Syracuse stink (then again, ND counts there, too).

Big East isn't much better when talking football. The Big last year and this year should have there Automatic bid pulled. Same thing with the ACC. Auto bids need to go. Last year the SEC and Big 12 had several teams who should have played in BCS games over MWC, WAC, ACC and Big East.

This year will be a down year in the SEC. I am die hard Georgia Bulldogs fan and they will be no better than 7-4 to 8-3. Their schedule has only one cream buff in Tennessee Tech. Other wise non conference are Ok. State, Arizona State and Georgia Tech.
I was in Pensacola Florida the week before Memorial Day weekend a few years ago, and I drove over to New Orleans as well. Ninety percent of the sports talk on the radio was about college football, even in their 'down time'. It was weird.

I was in Orange Beach, AL on my honeymoon. It was the first week of June 1995. I bought the Mobile newspaper, and the lead sports story was a preview of the 1995 Iron Bowl. That was just bizarre to me, and I had been living in College Station, TX for five years at that point.
CFN actually has a good article on the whole "boot the xxxxx from the BCS," though you have to discount the headline (it's a joke) Cavalcade of Whimsy - Boot The Big East

1. The Big East should be kicked out of the BCS for the Mountain West
Because of the emergence of the Mountain West in recent years, with Utah, BYU, and TCU playing so well on the big stages, and with a sprinkling of wins here and there by the league’s lesser teams over the BCS schools, the league deserves the sixth automatic spot in the BCS and the Big East should be booted out. Cincinnati? Connecticut? Louisville? These are basketball schools, and if they have any success on the gridiron there’s a little bit of attention, but that’s from fans waiting for Midnight Madness to start up. The ratings are mediocre for Big East games, and the conference is permanently crippled after losing Virginia Tech, Miami, and Boston College. It’s the Mountain West’s time.

You Lie!!! … Utah was fantastic against Alabama in the 2009 Sugar Bowl, and BYU shocked Oklahoma in the season opener this season. TCU is the real deal, and the Mountain West owned the Pac 10 throughout most of last year. If you want to include the Mountain West in the BCS party, then fine. The league already has a permanent spot (for the most part) just by getting its champion to finish in the top 12 of the final BCS rankings, but it should probably get the seventh automatic bid. If you want to kick one league out and keep it at six leagues, then the Big East shouldn’t be booted. The Big Ten probably should.

Actually, to be more accurate, the Mountain West shouldn’t be included. When you say the Big East should be booted out from the BCS, what are you basing this on? The perception is that the league can’t win the big games, and while that’s true, it wins a whole bunch of decent ones. If you took all six BCS leagues, along with the Mountain West, over the last three years and the first two weeks of this season, which league is the best in non-conference play against other BCS teams, the Mountain West, and Notre Dame?

No. 1 overall is the SEC, who has won 56% of those non-conference games, but it’s top-heavy. Florida, Georgia, and LSU account for most of the wins, but 56% is still impressive. No. 2 is the Pac 10, winning 55% of those non-conference games, but USC is the one to thank for that. The Trojans account for 11 of the wins, and if you take them out of the equation, the Pac 10 has won just 47%.

And then comes the stunner. The only other league to win more than half of its games over the last three years against BCS teams, the Mountain West, and Notre Dame is the Big East coming out on the right side 53% of the time. So where’s the Mountain West?

The Big 12 is No. 4 winning 48% of those games, carried by Texas, the Big Ten is No. 5, winning 47% of those games (brought down by Ohio State), and the Mountain West is sixth winning 46% of those games. While that’s still relatively impressive, it’s not like the league is ripping up the outside world, and the results are disastrous if you take out TCU and Utah from the top-heavy league. Oh yeah, we’re missing one conference.

If you’re desperate to boot out a league from the BCS, the Big East isn’t the one you should focus on; the ACC is. While the conference is getting better, this year aside, it has only won 44% of those non-conference games.

Now cower in shame for yelling, or Nancy Pelosi will shoot you an icy stare.
Also, for some reason, College Football seems like a more rural thing than an urban experience.

On the rare occasion College Gameday is broadcasting from a bigger city with tall buildings, something just doesn't seem right. Maybe that's my own personal perception of the whole collegiate football experience, but I've always viewed college football as a rural thing.

You're are correct, sir!!!...Last week was a perfect example!!!...;)
Hey, maybe Urban Meyer should do Tim Tebow a favor and bring the Gators to the 'Yankee Stadium Bowl' this season. That way, if Tebow wants to continue his professional career as a QB, he can start getting used to playing 'up north'.

Perhaps Urban can also petition the bowl to be played with three downs, everyone in motion at the snap, and 150 yards of field Tim can get used to that as well. ;)

You left out the MAC conference in several places in this post ....

I appoligize to all my midwestern friends. The MAC certainly is another mid-major which can be mentioned in the same breath as the woefull and undeserving to be in the BcS Leastleftovers. For that matter so is the Sun Belt.

As to the comments about urban and rural and northeast and rest of the country relative to college sports, EXACTLY. College football in a state w/o pro sports, or to the "native" population in a state that has filled up with "outsiders" to the point that it now has pro sports is so totally different from people who watch "fair Harvard" or who give 3 seconds of notice to Rutgers when they actually win a few that it is unbelievable. It is a different level and the broken BcS includes this to try to make a claim to the northeastern market. It is just not right and is a tone deaf move.

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