Be aware... Voom may be trying to renege on part of the Sears deal


Too Much Hi Def!
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Mar 3, 2004
Vernon, CT
Part of the Sears deal being offered is that you are supposed to be entitled to a free Plus Pack. Says so right in the package they give you. It was revealed on the Yahoo Voom group that Voom is thinking about not honoring that part of the offer. In fact, they are saying now that the Marquee pack is the free Plus Pack, even though it is part of the basic programming package. So.. if you got the deal from Sears, you need to be aware of this problem and fight for your rights. I fully support Voom and want them to succeed, but to try and renege on the package deal is wrong on their part. Sears is supposed to be their partner in this, and the starter package was obviously done either in conjunction with or directly by Voom. I hope they do the right thing here.

I'm currently going through a problem with this.

I ordered on a Sunday the ad came out. I brought up the free plus pack, and they said that wasn't the offer any longer, but since I had the ad there I could have it anyway. I told them I didn't care about HD Marque (Discovery HD) because I already had it on D*. They said OK and asked me what plus pack I wanted, I said Starz. That was over 2 weeks ago. Now that I've had it for over a week, I'm still fighting them for it. I've talked to 3-4 different people now that have told me I will receive it, but I would need to wait for them to call me back. They haven't called back yet by the time they said they would, so I call them, go through the whole process again, and they say they will call back again. I'm on the 3rd time of doing this. Now that I finally reached a supervisor, all she did was try to renege on the offer, and say someone will call me back.
I would hate to cancel out of princapal because it was a bait and switch, but I will. If they are willing to pay for it to be installed, and uninstalled over refusing to honor what was offered me, I will let them. One thing I kept being told once was "we are busy, we have a lot of customers" and all I could think about was D*s 10 million customers, and Vooms ~1500-2000 customers and wondering what they would be doing if they hit their projected growth #s?

Even with the poor software I have been a Voom supporter up until now. I would hate for them to use such bad customer support/business tactics to make me drop them.
The free plus pack and the sale price was the only reason I purhcased. My plan was to cancel dightal cable, keep basic and Voom with the plus pack.

Sears was promoting this sale with one of weekly sale signs. The Voom poster and brochers were there alongside and none said anything about different terms with sale.

I have never known Sears to change any terms on their items just because it was on sale. you can find lots of items on sale there every week and never have to worry about the warranty because it is always indluded

This could be a deal breaker to those that had if figured out on a cost / value basis, myself included.
We'll pass it over to some Voomers. They need to do the right thing even if the whacky sears guys & whacky installers are causing most of the nightmares.

As I said on the list, it's easy to understand why there's so much confusion. The Sears people are badly undertrained, the literature on the displays is either out of date or completely missing, and the phone CSRs, while nice enough, often seem to give you conflicting answers.
My only problem with it is they told me I would get a plus pack when ordering, and even asked me which one I wanted. It would have been much different if they said "sorry, we can't offer you the plus pack" from the start. But instead they said I would get it, and now are trying to say I don't.

Turn around time?

Scott's VOOM install and first impressions
