Barcelona vs. Real Madrid: the biggest game of the year LIVE! 11/20 at 3:58 PM EST

Wel well well, it's judgment day today!!! and boy have I been waiting for this match for a while. I'm actually calling a 4-1 win for Barcelona with two goals from Etoo, one from Ronaldinho and one from either Deco, Iniesta or Xavi. Ohh yeah, I don't care who scores for Real.
I even made a bet for this game. I bet a die hard fan of Madrid here in Dallas, that the loser of the match has to wear the other teams jersey and be photographed. As I would rather die than to be ever seen wearing a Real Madird jersey I am taking a big risk here so I am really counting on Barca and hope to be singing the anthem in pride at the end of the match:
Blaugrana al vent,un crit valent,tenim un nom el sap tothom: Barça , Barça, Baaarça.!
Hey guys!!

One thing you won't probably know.

Pay attention at the biggest mosaic done in Nou Camp at the beginning of the game, just when the hymn of Barcelona sounds. I won't see it... but you could see 98.000 people holding a sign, building up a huge picture.
I do not know... Couldn't tell... That was an excellent Liga Report. Now to the game... What a sight? (to take's the announcer's phrase)... WOW....
So, should we open the chat room?
Wow! The first seconds and almost a goal! This is going to be good!