Your idea is better and were always willing to do it in your conduit, provided your there when we are.
Otherwise across the lawn and buried by the contractors wehn your name comes up ... Fwiw, I always tried to run the property line when ever possible ... How the contractor buries is is up to them, they are suppose to run it how we lay it, some do, some don't.
They never come any bury cable.
My girlfriend got Dish 15 years ago, they ran it across the lawn and never came back.
The grass literally grew over the cable and it's been like that ever since.
Comcast never comes back to bury their lines also.
I get it you want the installer in and out, but your Just asking for problems leaving a wire exposed across the ground.
If I pulled that crap, second the customer accidentally cuts it, I'm expected to go back and fix it for free.