maybe Comcast or Charter Spectrum could buy it so they can sell a product to rural america and don't need to install cables of any kind for the purpose of TV.
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I was thinking the exact same thing!
If you remember your DBS history, the cable companies pretty much started the mini dish revolution in the early 90's with Primestar. Primestar was owed by Primestar Partners which was a consortium of the big cable companies at the time including Comcast, Cox and the defunct TWC and TCI. The whole purpose of Primestar was to sell satellite service where it wasn't profitable to run cable lines. It really wouldn't surprise me if this is at least attempted again. Comcast, Charter, Cox and maybe Altice teaming up to form an LLC to attempt the purchase of DirecTV. Think about it, satellite TV will stay in rural and remote areas where streaming is difficult. While the service is bleeding now, eventually it will stabilize. It's a captive audience. Also, the thing that everyone forgets, commercial subscribers. We are a long way off from having streaming in sports bars, gyms, hotels, hospitals, and dealership waiting rooms and DirecTV is the king of commercial. To me this makes a lot of sense.
To those that say the companies would be competing against their own services, look at AT&T. How many video platforms has that lousy company had in the past handful of years? Also look at the two Canadian providers. And on the flipside, just because you have competition doesn't mean the target audiences are the same. Look at Orby. DirecTV and Orby target two completely different audiences. The same can be said in the automotive world. On paper the Mustang, Camaro and Challenger all compete against each other, but in reality, they are geared toward specific audiences.
There would have to be some regulatory concessions. Most likely in the form of divesting some of their territories and meeting other requirements.