Bad news regarding Dish and "DRM"

I didn't see this mentioned before but, what about anyone with an R5000 modded STB? Granted this is probably a very small segment of folks but, are there any implications of DRM in this scenario?

Just curious...
What I find interesting is that the movie/tv industry was late in following the music industry into DRM. Now, the music industry, with the four majors signing up with Amazon to provide DRM-free downloads, is moving quickly away from DRM -- at the same time the movie/tv industry is going full-force with DRM. Perhaps it's a cyclical thing -- eventually, the movie/tv industry will again follow the music industry back to being DRM-free. Maybe if enough people complain, that is. Who knows.
The music industry is moving away from DRM because the pot of gold that they thought was there, wasn't. As a mater of fact, they finally figured out that DRM was cutting into their profits. Hence, the migration away from DRM.

The TV/movie industry will also move away from DRM if they conclude they're not getting the projected profits into their greedy little hands. Unfortunately, they're generally not the brightest bulbs in the tree so it may take years for them to figure this out.
Like the music industry, they're pretty much like lemmings. All it will take is for one or two members of the movie industry to abandon DRM and the others will follow.
The EFF sucsessfully litigated against the so-called "broadcast flag" which is essentially "DRM" for OTA digital broadcasts. It's likely the same legal precidents would apply.

Contracts are only valid if what you are contracting to do is legal. That's where the litigation comes in, to attempt to show these "DRM" tactics to be illegal, the same as was done with the "broadcast flag". Even though the Supreme Court has stated that customers have a right to certain non-infringing uses of content, laws like the abominable "DMCA" were designed to facilitate copyright abuse, and circumvent fair use rules. Which is where additional legislation will come in. I urge everyone here who's concerned about this to ask your representatives to support H.R. 1201 The "Fair Use Act"
This will help all of us a ton if it's passed.
Good post and thanks for the reminder.

If everyone cared enough about their right to "fair use" we wouldn't have this problem but like so many today, they can't be bothered shutting the barn door before the horse gets out.

Remember when pre-recorded movies on VHS & Beta tapes were in excess of $75 a pop? With vcr recorders and the Beta-Max decision we gained limited rights to record / copy for private use. The price of pre-recorded media tumbled to a more reasonable level. I wonder what will happen if Hollywood gains back control?
I'll drop Dish.

HDMI looks like crap on my Samsung 1080p looks fine however on my Westinghouse 1080p LCD.

Plus I output to both component and HDMI at once...this ExtremeHD service looked interesting :)
Good post and thanks for the reminder.

If everyone cared enough about their right to "fair use" we wouldn't have this problem but like so many today, they can't be bothered shutting the barn door before the horse gets out.

Remember when pre-recorded movies on VHS & Beta tapes were in excess of $75 a pop? With vcr recorders and the Beta-Max decision we gained limited rights to record / copy for private use. The price of pre-recorded media tumbled to a more reasonable level. I wonder what will happen if Hollywood gains back control?

They will care, but only after it's too late and and you can no longer DVR, or have to pay a fee for each recording. Or are no longer able to make backup copies of music. They'll care then, but then it will be too late, and we will be stuck with the DRM scam.
I'll drop Dish.

HDMI looks like crap on my Samsung 1080p looks fine however on my Westinghouse 1080p LCD.

Plus I output to both component and HDMI at once...this ExtremeHD service looked interesting :)

My Samsung 1080P looks awesome with HDMI and the 622, almost as clear as OTA.
With that attitude then nothing will ever change. So at least railing against the machine will help. I reported this to E.F.F. awhile back and nothing has happened but if we keep trying something may.

Why? Because there are Weapons of Mass Destruction? I'm starting to think Americans prefer being lied to versus dealing with harsh realities. Nothing will happen in the next ten years to curb capitalism at the cost of ethics.

Everyone in a position to do something about it is on the low-ethical standards commitee and Americans (unless you live in the South) aren't willing to have another revolution, which you'll recall is how we resolved that whole unfair government King of England thing the last time... DRM is industry endorsed and therefore government endorsed.

Your absolute best bet in near history, is dependant on the next president whoever he/she turns out to be. Pray we make a good decision this time.
Why? Because there are Weapons of Mass Destruction? I'm starting to think Americans prefer being lied to versus dealing with harsh realities. Nothing will happen in the next ten years to curb capitalism at the cost of ethics.

Everyone in a position to do something about it is on the low-ethical standards commitee and Americans (unless you live in the South) aren't willing to have another revolution, which you'll recall is how we resolved that whole unfair government King of England thing the last time... DRM is industry endorsed and therefore government endorsed.

Your absolute best bet in near history, is dependant on the next president whoever he/she turns out to be. Pray we make a good decision this time.

Capitalism isn't the problem. The situation we have isn't really capitalism at all. True capitalism would be government staying the hell out of the way, and the market solving it's own problems. Companies would come up with this "DRM" bulls***, and other companies would say f*** off, and build solutions to get rid of the "DRM". But what we have instead of capitalism, is companies designing "DRM" and the like, and paying off government to stick it's nose where it doesn't belong, and codifying in law the use of "DRM". Thus, providing government protection of corporate profits, and facilitating copyright abuse. That's not capitalism my friend. That's exactly the description given by Mussolini of what he called "Corporatism". We know it by another name: Fascism. The unholy merging of business and State.

Oh, and about the next president; It doesn't matter that much in the end, because whoever wins will have a D or an R after their name. Which means more of the same, and more screwing of the individual. We won't see any real change until we have one with an L or an I after their name. Along with sufficient legislators of the same.
Capitalism isn't the problem. The situation we have isn't really capitalism at all. True capitalism would be government staying the hell out of the way, and the market solving it's own problems. Companies would come up with this "DRM" bulls***, and other companies would say f*** off, and build solutions to get rid of the "DRM". But what we have instead of capitalism, is companies designing "DRM" and the like, and paying off government to stick it's nose where it doesn't belong, and codifying in law the use of "DRM". Thus, providing government protection of corporate profits, and facilitating copyright abuse. That's not capitalism my friend. That's exactly the description given by Mussolini of what he called "Corporatism". We know it by another name: Fascism. The unholy merging of business and State.

Oh, and about the next president; It doesn't matter that much in the end, because whoever wins will have a D or an R after their name. Which means more of the same, and more screwing of the individual. We won't see any real change until we have one with an L or an I after their name. Along with sufficient legislators of the same.

Debating the definition of terms doesn't alter the situation any. You can call it capitalism or you can call it fascism. Either way, it's a reality and it's here now. I personally never understood why people sit and wait for solutions to present themselves. I make my solutions and solve my own problems. DRM or no DRM, it doesn't cause an issue for me.
Okay, anyone know what HDMI cable and HDMI->DVI adapter I need? I need to give this a try and see how it looks. Thanks!
i think so try
here the connection you need on dvi end
and the hdmi end is all the same afaik


  • dvi connection end.jpg
    dvi connection end.jpg
    27.6 KB · Views: 142
I'll drop Dish.

HDMI looks like crap on my Samsung 1080p looks fine however on my Westinghouse 1080p LCD.

Plus I output to both component and HDMI at once...this ExtremeHD service looked interesting :)

I do also. When I'd suggest adjusting your inputs. Most time HDMI and component do not have the same settings
If, and when, everything I've read here transpires, I'll just ditch all this exra crap, and go bare bones cable. If I wasn't forced to have boxes to get a signal in Feb 2009, heck, I just might go back to an antennae. I grew up without cable, I never used to have DVR, or HD. I can't stand rules, or government, and big brother(and boy does this smack of that) and I could easily get pissed off enough to just turn my back on it all. I'm sure there are many others that would agree. They better watch don't want to bite the hand that feeds you.

But, then, I'm probably among the few that still holdout in not paying $45 a month for a cell phone. Don't care. Don't need it. Don't want it.
Debating the definition of terms doesn't alter the situation any. You can call it capitalism or you can call it fascism. Either way, it's a reality and it's here now. I personally never understood why people sit and wait for solutions to present themselves. I make my solutions and solve my own problems. DRM or no DRM, it doesn't cause an issue for me.

Definitions make a difference. There is a definition of capitalism, just as there is a definition of an orange. I don't take a banana, call it an orange, then say you're quibbling about terms. It may be here now, but it isn't too late to fight it. Things like this CAN be reversed. Look at the so-called "broadcast flag". That's essentially history due to legal challenges. If we would have taken your advice and said "Broadcast flag is here, nothing you can do about it.", we would have a situation right now where we might not be able to skip past commercials of recorded broadcast shows. Or record certain sporting events at all. Your kind of defeatism is exactly what these crooks who are trying to foist DRM on us want.
As far as making our own solutions, I agree. We may all have to do that if this doesn't change.

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