Back in the game, with upgrades


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Aug 7, 2008
Lehighton, PA
Having sold off all my big boat anchor tube type transmitters a while back the only equipment I still had was a 2 meter transceiver and a Yaesu FRG-7000 receiver. Well that changed yesterday when I picked up a real nice Icom IC-735 transceiver at a hamfest. My first SS base transceiver. Let's see, I went from 100 lb transmitters to 11 lbs. Almost threw it over my shoulder it picked up so easy. Came with a nearly new Heil Silver ICM mic and stand. I've got her up and receiving but not transmitting yet. I need to mount a new dedicated antenna before I push that xmit button, my old longwire ain't gonna cut it at 100 watts. Looking to tinker with some 10 meter initially, see if I can hit my friend across the state, he's a 10 meter junky.

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Did a little upgrading. Installed a Tokyo Hy-Power HC-200 antenna coupler (the green thingy) for the Icom and installed a dedicated 20' vertical antenna for 10 meters. I also installed a Paradan remote antenna disconnect out on the pole. Works great. It's connected to the aux port on the Icom's power supply so when I turn on the PS it remotely connects the antenna and when I turn off the PS the Paradan disconnects the antenna and connects the feed to ground.

At 100 watts that 20' vertical is amazing. I've had contacts in Switzerland, Lithuania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Russia, Germany, Belgium, and Norway in the past week. Had a really nice conversation with the gentleman in Norway about the difference between our ELK and the Norwegian ELG (pronounced ELK). The Norwegian ELG is what we call a MOOSE! Who knew!

Ham shack-3.jpg

Twayrdio Vertical-7.jpg

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