AZBox Help

One issue though is that different versions of firmware seem to have different behavior with respect to which buttons you push, and what output types, etc, are cycled through. When I got my box initially, I tried following instructions related to the resolution key, and it didn't work the way it was supposed to. I finally somehow got it to display, and sort of taught myself the sequence, then when I changed firmware, but procedure was different.


Wasn't there a procedure to do this with the front panel buttons, rather than the with the resolution button on the remote? I seem to recall that, too. Like pressing and holding one button and pressing another while the AZBox was rebooting - until the resolution menu appeared on the front panel?

I am sure that I read that here, too. Or, am I confusing this with instructions from the AB IPBox?

Thanks for the AZBox Help!

Thanks to all of you for helping with the issues I had with my AZBox Elite!

Only booted to loading screen and would not go any further.

Happy to say I'm up and running!! :D Re-read a lot of information again and ended up using a older patch file. Booted right from the USB this time. Will update slowly to the newest firmware as suggested. Enjoying it right now. Had an old version (0.9.996) firmware that came with the stb.

Don't have the version in front of me I loaded but found it after again reading AZBox review posts.

I think I re-seated every connection in the box a few times.

Anyway, had to take a break and let the remote cool off and say thanks!
glad you got it going.:D

i would update the firmware very soon. bad things seem to happen but you have very little to lose as it is new and you have not added all the sats and all.
pick one 2880 or higher. i have stayed with 2880 myself. and have only small troubles forgets a setting now and then. all seem buggie. the old one is a old buggier.
good luck

Thanks to all of you for helping with the issues I had with my AZBox Elite!

Only booted to loading screen and would not go any further.

Happy to say I'm up and running!! :D Re-read a lot of information again and ended up using a older patch file. Booted right from the USB this time. Will update slowly to the newest firmware as suggested. Enjoying it right now. Had an old version (0.9.996) firmware that came with the stb.

Don't have the version in front of me I loaded but found it after again reading AZBox review posts.

I think I re-seated every connection in the box a few times.

Anyway, had to take a break and let the remote cool off and say thanks!

Have not updated yet to 2880. Plan on doing it while on vacation in a few days. AZBox website forum is still not up or I've still not been accepted. Where is a good alternativesite to view past updates or check on new ones? Some sites I've googled look a bit questionable to say the least.
3177 fw

3177fw is working great for me so far,...I did try 3281 but the box didn't like it as well.

Sugestion for hd feeds, I was having trouble keeping good Q on these feeds ( 105w ), if you have long cables ( 50 + ft ) as I have from the dish to the box I connected an inline amplifier to the C band cable and scanned all the hd feeds, then connect it to the KU cable and did the same thing, problem solved, don't know the reason but the ku signal is weaker in my set up so I left the amplifier in the ku band, to others it might be different, but it did solved the problem I had with hd signal.
I agree with you Iceberg, this thing is amazing ( and I don't have a clue on what else is capable of doing besides using it to watch tv related stuff ).
