OTHER FTA newb trying to set up a GT Media V7 pro need help


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Aug 13, 2023
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I recently started with FTA, bought a GT Media V7 pro, set up to see if i could get a signal but working through the reciever menu i could not find the normally discussed sat's for north america. the sat list in the reciever did not have what i thought were NA sat's, lots of euro sat's . Also how do you do a blind scan with this unit? do i need to update the reciever, i downloaded the latest update but not have installed it. just looking for a little guidance. Thanks
I've never used the V7 Pro but I have a V7x5 that works alright as a bedroom TV receiver. You're going to have to enter all of your satellites manually. I'm not familiar with how to run a blind scan, but it should have that feature for sure.
I have the V7 2SX which is probably the same.
I think Galaxy 19 for North America was the only preprogrammed bird and the rest were Eastern. With the way things change, anything preprogrammed is a waste anyways.

You need to go into the setup menu and select Add (I think it's the red button). Simply enter the satellite position, such as 95W and save it. Blue key will allow you to do a scan and Blind will be one of the options.

If you're using a motor, you'll need to put in your lat & long coordinates and select USALS. The motor should step exactly to the 95W location you added (or at least get you very close).

I would be careful with firmware updates. One of them bricked my V7 and the procedure to bring it back to life was a bit of a pain.
It would be a multifaceted approach. Surely nothing as easy as an Enigma 2 receiver makes it.
You use the database editor tool. Dump your channel list to a USB stick. Open it in the editor and make your changes.
Then load it back into the receiver. Forums that target your receiver are European. But maybe if you search deep enough you may find a shared dump file from someone here.
The editor is attached. tvrosat would be a good place to go for channels and transponders to enter into it.
Read the instructions contained in the editor program. Probably a ton easier than going one by one in the receiver.
You'll be able to delete all of the sats you'll never need and add ones you do.
I peed around with it for a few minutes. Seems pretty straight forward.
Read...the....instructions....pdf file.
And you'll save your remote from key pecking.


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