With folks like you feeding me advice and information, I might eventually be able to understand the networking challenge and make it all work. At this moment, I am simply a bit blind, uninformed, apprehensive and a tad bit scared!
I am sure that I can develop my skills so that I understand what I am doing, eventually, but it will probably take some time and effort on my part and a lot of assistance from friends like you! For your assistance and help, I thank you!
well said Radar my feelings for sure.
but i have read the help givin here and i just might try it. i did get in the box and got a copy of the channel list the other day, but fear like heck of sending one back. lol
1) question when you send the (3)channel lists it just over writes them ?
or do you have to delete the old ones first ?
and i too must thank Jim S. Lak7 Yurek99 gillham for all this info. and Radar for his posts i have read well over 1000 posts about the azbox units and this was the most detailed how to in one spot heck better than all places. i did not get it all but a few more reads and act outs.
sorry forgot to post the hi bit feed for you i just now remembered.old see
i hope friday night. guessing you don't watch sports all the time lol.
on the videos with your buddys here you are going to be moving them all over. if you need software ideas let me know i have messed with that awhile now but far less than few years ago. it got to be a sickness i think now like drinking. 100s vhs 1000s dvd i would have to live many years to watch them again.
on the recording this box makes they need to fix it so you can rename the files while they are in the box. other wise you will have no idea what they are. the only work around i see now is to rename the channel before recording. something else to remember to do. my sv-8000 lets me do this simple thing.
i guess in a network set up this could be done ?
the sv-8000 if you change the file name in the usb box at the computer the sv-8000 will not read the renamed folder when you put it back.
but really this box i have sent more time on this gizmo than other one ever, read for 4 months before buying now the setup and heck it still has no ver 1 yet. the wife came in and said"don't you just want to watch tv ?"
so true.